||END||of Season2||

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Todoroki fled the U.A gates silently jumping on buildings. He felt slightly more drowsy at each step he took. His eyes slowly fell but soon shook awake trying to keep himself awake."Why am I so tired.."Todoroki mumbled to himself as his body started to get slower. He was now on the edge of one of the buildings looking down at the humble pit of despair. 




Suicidal Warning|

'What did I have to live for again?'

'What was my purpose again?'


'I was supposed to protect him but I can't even do just that tch'

'I have no life back at home

'Nobody cares'


Todorokis thoughts rushed through his head like a bullet train. He started leaning closer to the edge

"If I have no purpose then what's the point" were Todorokis last words before pushing his last bit of energy off the edge.


Midoryias pov

My mom was glad to see me home she even forced me to cuddle with her all morning. I guess I would be worried if my child went over missing for over 3 months... Right now my mom was sleeping on the couch with the T.V on. I put it on the news since it was already morning by now. I mostly just expected a news report of a villain attack but... today was...

"16-year-old boy loses a life by committing suicide identity wasn't found but most likely suspected as Shoto todoroki, "The news lady said showing a picture of the body in between the buildings.















3rd pov

"Mr. Kitty?"

Midoryia said 

Tears kept rolling down his face as he stared intensely at the body.


Izuku felt the hot liquid on his lips it was salty. 

"Why did I say that i ....don't know...him...right...I don't really remember...probably doesn't matter"

Izuku turned the T.V off and decided to go to bed from staying up all night. Izuku started to get a slight headache when getting in bed "It probably doesn't matter".Izuku whispered until he fell asleep.

"Heh who knew even he doesn't care for me."


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