{{{||True end||}}}really tho---

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Izuku slowly opens his eyes and finds himself in a hospital bed. "W-where...am I-...." Izuku mumbled. His head hurt like a ton a bricks just hit him. He slowly sat up as he felt a pain almost everywhere on his body. He was in a hospital he saw the machine that beep each heart beat he had. He saw the tubes in his arms and lots and lots of bandages wrapped around his body. The bed was a standard hospital bed and he had a basic blue colored room and a window next to him with a dresser on the other side of him. He soon heard a door open.  he heard high heals clanking on the marble floor. She seemed to be holding a clipboard that has suddenly dropped out of her hands. Midoryia looked up at the dressed nurse. "P-Patient 0978 is awake get the doctor NOW!!!" The nurse scrambled out of the room with seconds later more nurses and doctors came with the same shocked expressions. 

"You've been in a coma for over 6 months!!!" The doctor said tears in his eyes. We should call U.A right now. "W-Wait what happened??" Midoryia said shocked to hear he was in a coma for over 6 months. "U.A found you in an abandoned Warehouse all we saw was empty space but then we saw you. You had scars all over your body and everything they were almost untreatable. You were in a giant tube with a weird liquid " Th doctor explained. Midoryia was confused yet he wasent when he tried to remember what happened nothing popped up in his mind. 




In this book it was a ,mystery if you didn't you see the tags and the description...Can you solve it?

Also my fellow theorist(if your here)


what's real

whats was fake

Hint 1#

1.--Mom? Wait wasn't she gone? What's she doing here?-

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