Uchiha eyes

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Sasuke POV :

I stood still, shock scrambled my back like tiny little insect, numbing my thoughts and clouding my mind with the magic of illusion.

Impossible, I hope my eyes aren't playing tricks on me!

Hungry blood eyes stared back at me, the lust for killing is as evident as the clear cloudless sky, the smirk dancing on her petite face promising pain.

"What is this?" I exclaimed disbelieving, but my expression is schooled into revealing nothing.

Her smirk widens at my question, she looked at me from under her black thick lashes and chuckled with dark ecstasy.

"What are you talking about?" She mimicked mockingly while running her hand through her pink locks that swayed like a waterfall behind her back.

I glared at her not bothered to hide my irritation. "What blasphemy is this!"

She looked me in the eyes, daring, her deep blue ones gazing deeply into my pitch black soul.

"Only an Uchiha can have those eyes, who are you really?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.

"Yes, that is true but it's none of your business. I go by many names as you just discovered but Eve should suffice. Now where were we?" she blinked.

An impatient growl tore its way from my lips.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm an Uchiha, happy. My father is Takashi Uchiha, are you done interrogating me? let's finish this now," she offered then charged.

Takashi Uchiha, where did I hear that name before?

A wall of wood emerged from the ground in front of Eve snapping me out of my thoughts. However, that didn't deter her. She slammed her fist into the wall breaking it into pieces.

"Stay out of this, all of you!" She hollered at the four people watching us.

There is only one thing that is certain; she wants me dead and as soon as possible.

In mere seconds, punches were thrown, fists were sent flying. A gruesome fight had erupted!

I avoided her fist, she twirled around and sent a kick which I blocked with my hand, I clutched her foot and forced her to the floor with my fist in her stomach...exactly where I hit her before for maximum damage.

A cough followed by a trail of blood escaped her full kissable lips are tainted crimson which filled me with zeal.

The excitement that surged through my body like an electric shock blurred my determination to question her. Instead, it awakened my beast from its slumber, hungry at the sight of her blood and lusting for a good kill.

What a coot? Did she really think she has a chance against me, pathetic?

A swirl of smoke replaced her as she disappeared from in front of me, I lifted my gaze smirking at her as she wipes her bloodied mouth with the back of her hand.

"Is that all you got? You've managed to draw blood, so let me return the favor." A provocative smirk is etched on her face as her eyes looked at me fearlessly.

I looked over the bunch of goons, they were watching the scene with grim faces. Not intervening, but it looks like that jonin is restraining naruto.

That naruto! His soft heart and blinding loyalty is going to be the death of him...I'll make sure of it!

I can feel the tension radiating in big waves from them. The worry plastered on their faces is visible as the clear water while their eyes held an undeniable anger.

Bittersweet RevengeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя