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Before you start reading, check out the small A/N at the end please :)


Sasuke POV: Unedited

"If you want to kill me, detest me, hate me! And live in newcomers way..."

"If you want to kill me, detest me, hate me! And live in an unsightly way..."

"If you want to kill me, detest me, hate me! And live in an unsightly way..."

"You lack hatred. Run, run and cling to life."

"You lack hatred. Run, run and cling to life."

A malicious voice rang loud and ugly in my head, flashes of memories accompanied it.

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed as I planted my fist in the wall creating a hole that captured it with a tight grip. My Sharingan activated, triggered by my rising temper, blood eyes staring furiously at the wall unseeing. Like radio waves around my head, his dark words venomous and his voice evil, always on constant repeat.

A wet liquid seeped between my clenched fingers; maculating my hand with red veins.

Despite the blood, the voice kept on unconcerned- mockingly reciting the words that left me diseased, spiteful and full of detest.

"And then someday, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me."

"I do, I do..." I muttered helplessly. My parted lips emitting harsh exhales, the breath barely escaping my constricted chest. Unknowingly I kept repeating those words as if trying to convince myself.

"You lack hatred Sasuke, and cling desperately to life and survive, pathetically,"

His voice rang in my ears loud and clear, carved in my brain permanently with a vicious, relentless needle. My mind shattered and the rest of me followed suit. I crumbled to the floor cradling my bruised, bleeding fist.

But I have the hate, my only companion in the wilderness we call existence. It is the fuel that keeps my heart pumping and brain ticking over, I stared at it blankly, mutely replying to the voice as though it is someone addressing me.

The silence droned, as the struggle in my mind continued. A war of will commenced, pusing me back and forth between believing that i have enough hatred and power to pursue itachi or not.

The voice won. I relented.

"You are right. My hatred is not enough. I'll just have to even the misery out by taking their hope away...their loved ones until they are empty on the inside; until their souls are frozen, their hearts are broken and their sanity is in shreds. I promise...I promise you this, every single victim will taste the poison of my hatred," I said loudly, my gaze locked with a body lodged in the corner of the room.

"I will tear their life apart, consume their souls and shatter their reality to the point they beg for death. THAT'S the length my hatred shall extend and you above all will taste this venom you fed me," with this final promise, I stood up and stalked toward her.

Draped like a sack of potatoes in a corner, discarded with a carelessness that forced her limbs in an awkward position.

Her clothes are ripped and dirtied; blending perfectly with the crumbling walls that were nothing more than a ghostly silhouette of some previous existence. Their chipped paint and cracked bricks speak of its old age. The tawdry, drab room is only fit for one person, with one old bed placed at the other corner facing a square like windows along with a small wooden table planted beside it and the bathroom door glaring angrily from across.

Bittersweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now