The prophecy

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"Wake the bloody up!" An annoyed voice said and lightly kicked the person sleeping to wake him up.

The sleeping beauty answered with a long snore undeterred and flipped to the right side of the bed, chasing after a happy dream.

The black haired boy with pale cheeks groaned. Why was I saddled with the hardest task ever? Cant I go kill someone instead?

He kicked the sleeping boy again, a little harder but to no avail.

He pulled his ears, tugged on his hair, tickled his stomach, slapped his face...none of it worked!

Then he did it all that consecutively.

Still no response.

That-that ugh! He mentally fumed.

He's mastered the poker face like no one else, but this boy irritates him to no end threatining to eradicate his patience.

Calm down! He urged himself.

He went to the kitchen and brought a bucket filled with cold water.

"Wakey, wakey, sweets and cakey!" Sai snickered. This will work for sure!

He emptied the bucket on naruto's head, drenching the blond boy in it.

However, naruto simply stretched and continued to snore.

Of course, how dumb can I be? He face palmed.

"Wake up naruto, I've brought ramen..."

The blond headed boy jolted upright at the mention of his beloved food, all signs of sleep replaced by a lovestruck expression. "Ramen, where?"

"Get up you fool the hokage needs us and we're already late!" Sai rolled his eyes.

Naruto looked hurt, "you tricked me?" And then shouted angrily. "What the hell Sai?"

"Don't give me that look! You'll get over it. Come on freshen up, the hokage requested our presence and you've wasted enough time already," Sai exclaimed.

Naruto didnt look convinced and was still pouting like a kicked puppy, "why did it have to be you? Why couldn't sakura come and get me?"

Sai scoffed. "Believe me I didnt want this either, but its the request of captain yamato. Now, get up! You can grab ramen on our way if you want it so bad."

Naruto face lit up like the brightest bulb and within minutes he was wide awake, dressed and ready to leave.

"I still hate you though,"

"Believe me the feeling is mutual!" Sai exclaimed.


The hokage gazed at the groups standing before her and sighed internally. After her long debate with the mentors about the proposition she have, they finally relented, but their stiff and downcast expression voice their displeasure.

It wasnt easy getting their permission - not that she needed any; after all, she is the hokage but she is not barbaric - especially since it is the service of their students she's asking for. Their duty as ninjas. Their life.

But now guilt stirred, slowly gnawing at her insides for the burden and danger she's about to put these promising yet young ninjas in.

Unfortunately, being a hokage is not all rainbow and sunshine, she has to wear the garb of the bad guy when necessity calls, despite not wanting to, for the protection and safety of all the leaf.

Bittersweet RevengeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt