Identity revealed

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Disclaimer : I don't own naruto only Eve.

Sasuke POV:

If I were a mere ninja, with no experience in stifling my emotions, I would be staring wide eyes, mouth hanging down and my face contorted with shock and disbelief- like my ex-teammates over there.

The first time I sensed a presence in the hideout after my mission amd waiting for kabuto to finish, I knew that this opponent is not a person that should be trifled with.

Maybe it was the eminence chakra he possessed- despite him trying to hide it - or maybe because the black attire of his that promised death.

The moment I turned around and locked gaze with him, I was sucked into a lake of frozen emotions.

I was intrigued.

It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension-- those flickering azure orbs were glowing in darkness with unspoken fury despite the dimly lighted room.

His eyes were the cool blue of a shark as he watched me across the empty room; eyes that hypnotize, strike fear into your heart and numb your mind.

Eyes that make time stops, keeping you frozen in eternal bliss-- unaware of the predator in front of you until you drop dead.

The black beast.

It was the first time I encounter him. Of course, I've heard about his dark reputation and the power he possessed; but I've never met him in person before, and today meeting him face-to-face sparked a thirst in me begging to be quenched.

Imagine how much power I will acquire once I beat him?

If I could defeat an opponent like him, I would be able to kill Itachi easily?

He stood as silent as a tiger waiting for the right time to pounce on its prey.

His black attire blended with the blackness of the room, undetectable- the part of the room that the light was unable to penetrate- only blue eyes shone; eyes of a cold-blooded killer.

As we engaged in battle, I felt omnipotent.

The feeling of dominance surged through my body like a raging fire, driving me to wring his neck and kill him.

I felt the thirst for shedding blood arise, and it is a desire I am always happy to gratify.

With every move, every strike, every hit, I felt those blue eyes darken with emotions.

The techniques he used to exterminate me was laughable, not because it was weak, on the contrary, it was extremely strong, yet the thought of someone wanting me dead so fast is what makes it funny.

It's been so long since I met an opponent who wanted to end my life so fast. True, I have a bounty on my head; but all of the other hunters were either trembling in fear or lacking the strength to gain my attention.

But the black beast attacked with precise aim, with fathomless determination, of never-ending stamina, not caring if his limbs ached or his muscles turned numb, he wants me dead no matter what.

Which is actually not surprising, after all, I'm a rogue, a killer, everyone wants me dead.

Who would want a guy like me to remain alive?

I'm a threat to people's life, to their peace of mind.

Nothing is scarier than a man fueled by vengeance, ripped of emotions especially fear.

Bittersweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now