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Sorry for the super long wait and the mistakes >.<

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I had to rewrite it since wattpad decided to be wattass because it deleted all my saved drafts *cry* so I had to write it from scratch and tweak things here and there because obviously, I don't remember what I wrote in this chapter.

I've never been one of those organized people, even in writing (heck, my own thoughts are messy, one minute I'll be thinking about what to have for lunch and I'll immediately hope on to the dreaded dissertation thesis I have to submit a year later -_- )who make an outline and jot down everything. Its too tiresome. Especially since I change my mind about the chapter and the story flow tons of times and I never stick to the original plot *grin sheepishly*

Here I am rambling and holding you off. Please proceed and enjoy :D

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The runes on his arms pulsed to life. It throbbed and bulged in hunger, burning excitengly. It's normal dry ash color turned an angry shade of red. Their worm arabesque shape wiggled and shivered agog, like they're having a group seizure.

With baleful, obsidian eyes, itsukē gazed at the marking on his arms, as it came to life and sent his veins on fire zealously.

It's like he is on fire. Since the runes covers every inch of his flesh, the fire lapped at his entire body. It burned and burned and burned and the only thing feeding it was his subdued chakra that flared to life when it was called by the awakening of his familiar from its soporific state.

Though it burned like hell's flames, it was a good kind of burn, itsukē thought. One he embraced in silence. Only the tears falling from his black eyes showed how painful it is. But he laughed like a maniac instead of screaming in agony until the glaring red runes shrunk and died back into their original black paint.

After he caught his breath he whispered delightedly, "it awakened."

He abandoned his sitting position, getting to his feet in spite of his body screaming in exhaustion, but he needed to move for the time has come to retain what he lost all those years ago.

He gazed outside the dark wet mouth of the cave with giddy, ardor filled eyes.

The night was eerily silent; holding its breath for the upcoming death that is being maliciously planned.

"It's time to collect our prize. Send the men!" he whispered to his silent companion who nodded in response.

"Let's go! We have an unfinished business to complete," he clapped his hands greedily and grasped his partners neck drawing her into a rough kiss, barren of kindness but overflowing with a promise of pernicious intent toward their mutual prey which is more than enough for his partner who reciprocated with equal fervor.

"And this time we shall leave no leftovers," said itsukē after he pulled away from his partner's bruised lips for a breather.

Itsukē's partner responded with a wicked grin.

They shared a determined look. Eyes filled with mutual malice. With a silent nod, they abandoned their den and set off into the night, undeterred by the blackness that veiled their vision or by the chilliness of the night.

Not even the darkness or coldness of the autumn weather could quell the buzz inside them at what to come. The thought of the long awaited reunion leaving a sweet tang on their tongues. As if the result of the anticipated encounter spurred their taste buds, releasing an ambrosial sweet taste.

The taste of victory and of the destruction to come.

Its time!

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Bittersweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now