Tsunade the drunk woman

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*raise up the shield awaiting an attack*

I know, I know I promised answers and you were about to get them, but tsunade decided to butt in and interfer. Too much darkness and seriousness, she said. So, she suggested - more like demanded - to grace us with this chapter for a quick laugh...her words were: "I'm not getting enough me time in this book, is that a way to treat a hokage!"

Such a charitable soul, isnt she? ;)

Alert: trek with caution! Crazy drunk character ahead that might make you pee your pants from laughter. You've been warned so dont come to me for the laundry bill XD


Lady tsunade sipped her ale slowly. Her eyes focused with great concentration on the scroll opened in front of her performing her dull, routine hokage duty.

"What a bothersome pain in the arse!"

Instead of signing the scrolls she drew a happy face.

Why do I need to sign. A happy face more than explains my consent and agreement. Happy face means a happy hokage!

"You have a nice arse, my lady. It can edure all this." Her constant companion, the no-bulshit-tolerated, I-have-no-filter-over-my-mouth girl replied. Not that tsunade have any. She's known for her rough edges and scalding tongue...and incurable taste for sake!

But today, another side of tsunade will be revealed.

The stupid, drunken side.

"Its my arse, how would you know? Besides, won't handeling all this crap make my arse bigger?" She gasped, ghastly. "Are you saying I have a fat ass!"

"Nope. I didn't. You did it all on your own," Shizone entered the door to lady tsanade's office, which look like she stepped into a crime scene... against the floor.

Crumbled and tattered paper with empty bottles and cups littered the floor.

"What the fūck are you doing here anyway!" Tsunade slurred.

"Monitoring your ale consumption of course and delivering these for you to sign." Shizone replied, nonchalantly.

Lady tsunade grumbled not so lady-like. "Ugh, this is absolute torture! I cant do this anymore, my hand turned to noodle... And it's called sake! "

Shizone shook her head and placed the papers on the desk. "Oh dear, oh dear the fact you no longer can distinguish between your beloved sake and ale is concerning. You are definitly drunk! Oh and you will sign these like the good hokage you are."

"But I cant! My hand hurts! And its sake you dimwit! My taste buds are always right!" Lady tsunade protested.

Shizone tsked, "yup, definitely drunk! And yes, you can that's why you have two hands. Now, sign these please."

Lady tsunade growled lowly, moving the pen to her left hand. She attempted to sign but her signiture looked like a mini ninja figure done by a two-years old child. That will get her of my arse!

"No you wont! I know you, remember. You can use both of your hands even when you're drunk. Now, sign!" Shizone hissed and lady tsunade hand moved as quick as a lightning.

"There, done. Happy!"

"Immensely," shizone smiled in a covertly trumphant voice.

"Now go irritate someone else, maybe your pig or his friends...wherever you spend your free time." She made a shooing motion and went on to fill her sake...or is it ale?

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