Did he just kidnapped me!

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The sun has gone to rest hours ago, allowing the clutches of darkness to descend while street lights sprang to life.

It's evening, the streets are still buzzing with people, chattering voices embellished with laughter and happiness.

The festival has just begun.

I walked at a leisurely pace, admiring my surroundings with interest.

Shops were stuffed and the shopkeepers hollering loudly, trying to attract people's attention, the streets were  extremely narrow, forcing people to push each other in order to arrive at their destination early.

The taverns are filled with drunken laughter, the clinking of cups as it came in contact with one another in a toast- is as loud as a screeching angry female, people swaying clumsily to the music as the booze they consumed got to their head, with their cheeks tainted rosy-red like a shy maiden in the presence of her courageous knight.

The vendors hopping from one customer to another, showing them their greatest possession in hopes of gaining a good sum of money.

Families are mingling, couples are basking in each other embrace, children participating in games and activities...it was a night full of jubilation.

Everyone was having a good time enjoying their night and celebrating while outside of Konoha people are dying, suffering and being tortured by formidable foes and no one care.

People here are partying and having fun, while others who don't have such luxury are fighting for their lives against a menacing enemy; life.

Just like I once did.

Give them a chance, not all people are bad. Besides, they have a right to be happy, dont you think? A voice in the back of my mind surfaced.

Fūck off, no one is good anymore. Just look at them! Animals in disguise, the lot of them!

I cant believe in goodness anymore, the world looks bleak and void. I hurt.

I suffered in silence when my mother and sister were brutally murdered, no one stretched a hand to help.

Even though when that happened, I was not living in Konoha, but still, it was the same, my home was located on the outskirt of a village just like this one: happy, peaceful, innocent, but its cruelty and ugliness unvieled when I sought out their aid.

When I regained consciousness, I immediately ran there and tried to get help. It was evening and the place was buzzing with happiness- excluding mine- I begged, sobbed and tried to get them to help me, but no one cared, no one spared me a glance.

I was sticky with died blood and dirt, I was amazed that I was still alive by the amount of blood I shed- I still wonder how I survived the fatal injuries on my back- the only reaction I got were disgusted glances and a smack on the cheek for ruining a high ranked man's shirt with blood when I grabbed him and begged him for help.

My acute sense of hearing caused my ears to bleed from the amount of laughter, I felt my insides flip and roll in disgust...

This fakeness sickens me! I scrunched my nose in distaste and urged my legs to walk faster towards my apartment while I quelled the memories to leave me be.

The meeting with that foul-mouth Tsunade was exhausting, I managed to remonstrate about the presence of the anbu's surrounding me like annoying flies.

She is so stubborn and infuriating.

She snorted, cussed and even tried to snap my neck, but I got out of there in one piece. Thankfully.

I'm not witless, though, I know she kept some anbu's to keep an eye on me, in a matter of fact, there are two anbu's following me right now.

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