The awaited encounter (2)

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Eve POV:

You must be questioning why I decided to put on my black beast identity and discard that of Eve.

Well, lets put it that way. Black beast is a bounty hunter she can be anywhere -no, not puff out and appear where she desires, I meant that she can be whenever trouble is - but Eve, nope.

I'm going to allow myself to play the role of a coward who hid or ran away instead of revealing to those wimps my power, lady Tsunade looks like a cunning woman, I won't give her the leverage of using me.

I was a sweaty mess- to put it lightly - my clothes clung to me as if it is a part of my skin. The scorching heat irritated me to no end, but I was still determined to find out what--or who is behind this strong energy.

I could hear my heart pounding erratically against my chest as if it is going to burst out, I passed a throng of trees until I came upon a jagged opening of what looked like a cave.

The cave was built into the muddy brown rocks hidden between a mass of trees, the stone guarding the entrance was uneven, arranged in such a way, that it would be difficult for passers-by to spot.

It was a cave mouth of impenetrable blackness- a beast mouth - as I stepped in, I watched my shadow dissolve into the surrounding chilling darkness. The walls above arched another hundred feet up. In the cave, the only sound that met my straining ears was my ragged breathing.

I walked carefully not to step on any small, loose stones that might be littering the floor, I followed the damp wall with my hand to guide me through the perpetual darkness depending on my senses of touch, hearing, and smell.

All of a sudden, flaming torches sparked to life, lighting up the tunnel ahead and bathing the entire place in a flickering orange glow.

It's like the place is alive! I wondered in astonishment.

I blinked lightly, a row of torches placed along the wall, the rough rocky walls turned smooth and arranged, like collaborated bricks.

I followed the trail of chakra, and after a series of turns and endless corridors, I stood in front of a wooden door, contemplating my next move.

The amount of energy coming from here is suffocating!

I slowly opened the door ready to fight whatever possessed such powerful energy, I wonder what kind of monster or animal is in here. However, I didn't see a monstrous figure or a giant animal inside... it was far from that.

A figure shrouded in darkness is laying on a mattress, the dim light coming from the corridors illuminated the edges of what appears as a sleeping figure.

I opened the door widely, not minding the consequences of revealing my presence so early, I could now see the man clearly.

A mess of black hair as dark as a crow stood proudly on his head since he was facing the other side, I was able to see his backside only. He is wearing dark blue pants, over which hangs a blue cloth that covers him from his stomach to his knees and which he secures with a purple rope belt. He complements this with a white long-sleeved shirt.

He seems to be in a peaceful slumber.

Good, so he hasn't sensed me yet.

The moment I took a step inside, a sharp and hard metal grazed my cheek, right under my left eye.

The wet sticky blood trailed it's path downward, carving a trail of red on my cheek.

I turned my head slightly to see a shuriken embedded in the wall a few inches beside my cheek

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