Konoha, here I come!

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This is a picture of eve.

A Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto.

chapter:2 {edited, minor details changed}


I woke up early to start my long journey towards Konoha.

I dressed in black shorts that go above my knees with a sliver skirt that is clasped on the side leaving a slit open with a purple shirt. I put on my black boots and slide my gloves.

I brushed my waist-length pink hair and took a quick look in the mirror.

Cold, icy blue eyes that can freeze hell stared back at me. A small nose and full pink lips, with a tint of rosy cheeks, decorated my oval face.

Who would've known that those eyes have seen many gruesome scenes? Those lips cursed the one man who martyrized her entire existence and those cheeks were tainted with blood due to the many wounds she inflicted upon others. Who could've known?

After I ate my breakfast in silence, I brushed my teeth and started to pack.

When I finished, I headed directly out of the small four holed and slightly cracked walls, spot tainted carpets, and cheap curtains, room with a kitchen, and a bathroom that has seen better days. A different room than that one I was in yesterday, similar-looking though, but I can't risk having someone after me. You see in this line of work, who is not paranoid is stupid. You'll always have someone after you and you'd be a fool or overconfident - still a fool - to disregard that.

It is a very peaceful and sunny day, contrary to the thoughts, raging on in my head.

Nevertheless, I put on a cold smile, more like a smirk, and started walking.

The facade is important. With the kind of dark thoughts in my head, it is difficult to smile but some semblance of human emotions is needed to stay on the safe side and not be hunted as a threat.

I don't want anyone to suspect that I'm not a normal ninja -as normal as a ninja can be-. Otherwise, I will be hunted down and I definitely don't want that, I have enough on my plate.

The smirk is the only thing that makes me look normal, according to my standards. Without it plastered on my face I'd look like a devil from the underworld since I'm as pale as the snow and my eyes are void of emotions.

Yes, a smirk is definitely needed.

I walked for two days straight. I only slept for a few hours, ate, and continued my journey. I didn't want to arrive late.

However, all I want to do is fall asleep, but I can't. This journey to Konoha is the final step towards my goal.

I finally spotted the Konoha's gates and stepped closer.

There are two guards there. One of them has his hair covering his eye and the other has a messy hair like he got an electric shock and all of his hair denied gravity it power.

When they noticed me they were shocked but they quickly hid it and the one with the messy hair exclaimed: "state your purpose young lady,".

"I'm here to meet the Hokage, I wish to be a citizen in this village," I said with the most angelic voice I could muster.

My voice is soft unlike my eyes, cold and dark like the deep pits of the ocean.

I'm actually thankful for my voice; it's the only thing that doesn't raise suspicion, along with my short and tiny frame.

But, if you look closer, you'll know that I'm more deadly than a giant summoned animal. Strength doesn't come in size and shape. For all you know, a tiny female mosquito is more deadly than a poisonous snake.

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