Chapter 18

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Gavin's POV

While laying in my bed, I heard Stella yelling. By the looks of it, something or someone pissed her off. I sighed, wondering if there was ever a day where she wasn't angry. A few seconds later, I heard someone else. The voice was quiet, but it sounded familiar. Wait, was that... Sierra? Why the fuck was Stella yelling at her? I'll admit, I didn't know her that well, but she didn't seem like the kind of person to pick a fight with someone else.

A few seconds later, I overheard the door slamming, and to my dismay, Ashley, Stefano's girlfriend, had a sour look on her face along with Stella. Good grief, what the fuck happened?

"What the fuck were the two of you doing?" I sighed, not wanting to start a fight.

"That bastard child is what fucking happened," Ashley spat. "I knew from the moment that I met her, that she was going to be a problem in this household."

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Sierra is nothing more than a rapist's child," Stella yelled. "She's a bastard and deserves every bad thing that happens to her. If I could, I would kill her without a second thought."

At this moment, I was livid. Even if what Stella said was true, Sierra was innocent in this situation. She wasn't the one who raped my father, and if anything, she was as much of a victim as my father was.

"Where is she?" I yelled.

"How am I supposed to know?" Ashley shrugged. "Last time I checked, she was outside and she's not my child, so why would I care?"

"You're a terrible person, you know that, right?" Ashley scowled and me, and before I knew it, she threw a punch at my face. On instinct, I reached for her arm, and twisted it behind her back.

"Let me go!" she screeched. "Otherwise I'm going to tell Stefano."

"You're going to tell me where Sierra is before I let you go. And for fuck's sake, I don't give a damn what Stefano thinks of me. He's an asshole."

"Oh, what a shame," Ashley mocked. "Well, I can't say I know exactly where she is. I mean, she could be dead right now for all I care. Then I'll tell Stefano how irresponsible of a sibling you are, letting your sister go outside unattended and then he'll send you to reform school. That boy's so gullible that he'll take my word over any of his siblings. I don't understand how his businesses haven't collapsed yet."

"You wouldn't dare," I snarled. In this moment, the thought of being sent to a reform school was enough to distract me. Ashley took advantage of this and broke free from my grip.

"Of course I would, Gavin. I'm sure you remembered when we first met. You called me a sadistic bitch and then Stefano slapped you. To be honest, I couldn't believe that I could manipulate someone into choosing their girlfriend over family. It's hilarious in a way. Now, be a dear and get the fuck out of my sight."

To be honest, I wanted to murder Ashley. But before I could do that, I went outside searching for Sierra.

Sierra's POV

I couldn't help myself as tears streamed down my face. So many thoughts ran through my head. On one side of me, I felt sorry for myself. I just wanted to be loved, but my mother hated me and my dad didn't even consent to having me. However, the other part of me believed that I deserved the treatment that my mother gave me. I felt like I was at fault for simply existing.

"Come on Sierra, you're innocent in this situation," I tried to reasoned. "You weren't the one who raped your father and it wasn't your choice to be born. Don't beat yourself up for something that was out of your control. It was your mother's decision to do that to your father, and you just happened to be caught in the crossfire."

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