Chapter 12

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"How was it dating her?"

"At first it was pretty good. Pretty much the entire school supported our relationship and a bunch of people were upset when we broke up."

"Did either of you regret breaking up?"

"I can't speak for her, but I don't regret it. Our relationship was pretty toxic. What started as a supposed fairytale ended in a tragic heartbreak. Our relationship was basically any toxic relationship portrayed in a movie, but glorified. I guess since our relationship was perceived as normal, a bunch of people wanted us to get back together."

"How long did the two of you date?"

"Uh, less than a year. We were both fourteen."

"Did either of your parents find out?"

"No, neither of our parents knew. Mom just thought that we were best friends who acted as if we were sisters. She and my dad knew that I was bisexual and both of them were very accepting, but I just couldn't tell them that I was dating Chloe."

"Were they aware that you were dating anyone else?"

"Yeah. When we were living in the United Kingdom, they knew that I was dating this one guy, but it was when we were in second grade, so it was kind of ridiculous. I was also dating this other guy for a week in Kindergarten, but he moved to New Orleans."

"You lived in the United Kingdom?"

"Yeah, it was for two years when I was in first grade. We moved to California before I started third grade. During that time, I dated this other guy who was a complete douchebag so I broke up with him after a month. We moved here when I entered sixth grade. My family used to move a lot for business reasons."

"How many people exactly have you dated?"

"Uh, a decent amount. But if you're excluding a bunch of brief relationships that occurred in elementary school, I would say around ten to a maximum of fifteen. To some people, it might seem like a lot, but most of them lasted around a few weeks."

"Is there anyone who you want to get back together with?"

"Obviously, but I'm going to keep that a secret for now. In due time, you'll probably find out."

We chatted about random things for the next half hour until I received a text from Jett that it was okay for me to go home. Layla seemed rather sad that I had to leave, but gave me a tight smile before walking me to the door.

Walking back to my house, I wondered who was visiting. Stefano and Jett gave me the impression of being involved in the business world, so I assumed that an associate or a potential ally was visiting them. But if that was the case, why couldn't I return home? Not that I wanted to, but it seemed a bit strange; surely I had no impact on a potential deal.

As I got to my room, I got changed and went to the basement to exercise. Adrian was supposed to teach me self defense, but he wasn't here. That was fine if he didn't want to teach me, I would just have to learn on my own... as usual.

After running on the treadmill for an hour and practicing gymnastics for a little over 20 minutes, I decided to search up basic self defense moves to learn. There was a vast amount of choices to pick from, so I just settled with learning how to do basic moves such as punching and kicking. Unfortunately, I could only learn so much from watching YouTube tutorials and I was eventually back at square one. Perhaps, it would be better if I just waited for Adrian to help me.

Later, I took a shower and got changed. There was nothing for me to read and all my homework was completed, so I sorted out my closet. Natasha bought me a few makeup products to use, but I was skeptical about using them. The only time that I actually tried to use makeup was when I was ten because other people were wearing it and I wanted to fit in. That only resulted in me getting reprimanded and being locked out of the house for the entire night.

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