Chapter 23

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All of a sudden, a bunch of guys were looking at me as if I committed a felony.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" someone asked.

"A better question to ask would be what are you doing here? As far as I'm concerned, the party's upstairs, yet you guys are fighting down here like it's no one's business."

"I doubt you'd came just to lecture us. If you really didn't want us fighting downstairs, you would've told us off the moment you came down here instead of starring at us like a creep for a few minutes." Shit, I didn't know how to respond to that. I guess the guys must've figured that as well, since another one immediately started to speak.

"No response? Fine. At least tell us the reason you were watching us fight." Having no choice, I figured that being honest was the best way to get out of this situation.

"I wanted to learn how to fight, so I figured that if I watched you guys sparring, then I could pull some techniques and all that."

"You, fighting? Do you even have any idea how to fight, kid?"

"No, but I'm willing to learn and practice in order to get better."

"How do you even plan to practice fighting?"

"I was wondering if I could get trained by someone? Maybe you guys, since you know, you seem good and all." Suddenly, they started laughing except Damon, who still had a blank face. Either what I said didn't affect him at all, or he was hiding his reaction. Well great job, Sierra, that definitely made a good first impression on them.

"Holy shit, I don't think I've ever heard something so funny in my life," one of the guys coughed. "Shit, I think I choked on something."

"Damon, why aren't you laughing? Is this not funny for you or something?"

"There's better things to laugh at," he replied.

"Look if you're not going to train me, can you at least tell me some tips to improve in fighting?"

"You really want to learn how to fight, don't you?" someone questioned.

"Well, yeah. If you guys don't want to train me, that's fine, but I'm not going to stop trying to improve. You guys don't understand, but I really need to learn how to fight."

"If you really wanna learn how to fight, meet us at the gym near school tomorrow at two o'clock. It's huge, so you can't miss it," Damon said, while the other boys had a shocked look on their faces. "If you have enough potential, we'll train you. Don't be late."

"Thank you," I replied, grateful that I now had an opportunity to get trained by someone. If I could improve my fighting, then I could protect myself against Ashley and additional danger. "This truly means a lot to me."

"Are you fucking serious, Damon? Why the fuck would you compromise our position like that just to train a girl who looks like she only cares about her appearance? Do you even know how Santiago might react? He's gonna kill you."

"I doubt my older brother would do that. Anyways, why do you care? Did she do something to any of you?"

"She's nothing more than a naive girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. She could snitch to the Rossi's that we were here, for all you know."

"Yeah, Damon, if the Rossi's find out we violated the pact, we're fucking screwed."

"Besides, she doesn't even look like she has potential. She'll probably collapse before the fight even starts since she looks like a malnourished skeleton. Damon, she's just a dumb blonde who doesn't know shit. You shouldn't waste your time on someone like her."

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