Chapter 19

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Warning: This chapter contains brief mentions of suicide. Please read at your own risk.

After our science teacher arrived in the classroom, we had to do a worksheet. It was pretty boring and I couldn't help but sigh at some of the questions. When class finally ended, Layla and I walked to history class where we were greeted with a surprise.

"Class, I'll be re-arranging your seats. In addition, please welcome back Damon from his vacation. Damon, how was your trip?" the teacher spoke, with a smile on her face.

"It was good, thanks."

"Excellent. Now class, please listen when I call your name. Where I'll be putting you is where you'll sit for the rest of the year."

She began calling out students' names as I waited for her to tell me where I was going to sit. I desperately hoped that with my seat, I'd at least get to sit next to Layla or someone who I knew.

"Sierra, you'll be sitting at the same table with Damon and Layla."

I walked to my seat, which was next to Layla's. I sincerely hoped that Damon forgot about me because it would be more than embarrassing if he randomly brought up what happened on the weekend. I did my best not to cry in front of anyone, and I hated that he was there to witness me at one of my lowest points. I just hope it wouldn't be too awkward in the future.

"Hey Damon!" Layla exclaimed. "This is Sierra, and Sierra, this is Damon. Remember the guy I was talking about last period? That's him."

"Uh, yes, I remember. Nice to meet you, Damon."

"Likewise." We all stayed silent. Our teacher assigned us a packet to work on, and I was almost finished with mine until Layla asked a question.

"Do either of you get what the question's asking?" she sighed. "History is so complicated. Why can't it be like science where I just have to memorize some random facts? You know, like how mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?"

"Uh, I hate to burst your bubble, but memorizing random facts basically summarizes history. You just learn some facts about the past and answer some question on a test."

"Still though, it's hard. How am I supposed to know all the answers to the packet? Does anyone in the world know who the President was during the start of the Cold War?"

"Well to answer your question, it's Harry S. Truman. The Cold War started back in 1947. And no offense, but I'd say science is harder. It's more comprehensive than history, and you actually have to be able to apply concepts when doing lab work."

"Can both of you just work on the assignment without talking so much?" Damon asked. "I'm already done with it."

"Well good on you, Damon for being such a smart kid. But in case you can't see clearly, Sierra and I are trying to work."

"Uh actually, I'm finished," I mumbled.

"At this point, I may as well just do summer school," Layla groaned. "I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm not failing this class is since the teacher feels sorry for me. It's obvious that both of you are much better at this subject than me."

"I could always help you with the work sometime after school."

"Thanks, Sierra."

Eventually, history class ended and I went to english class with Diana. We had our seats re-arranged, and I sat at a table with Diana, Chloe, and Patricia while the teacher assigned us a list of questions to answer about a book. Well, shit.

"Well if it isn't the math genius," Chloe snickered. "Oh and look! She has a friend. What's your name? Oh wait, I remember now! It's bathroom girl. Patricia, can you believe it?"

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