Chapter 3

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"What?" I asked. There was no way. Mother was a lot of things, but she was smart. "Are you sure? She sometimes works overtime at her job and just ends up staying at a motel for the night."

"I'm sorry, Sierra, but her boyfriend, Frank filed a missing person report just yesterday. The police are investigating her disappearance. Unfortunately, they are having a difficult time finding her. Due to the circumstances, you will be accommodated elsewhere until we find out what happened to your mother."

"No disrespect, Principal Smith, but what are you talking about? I'm fifteen, I can stay home without supervision."

"I understand Sierra, but the difference is that there is a possibility that your mother could be dead. And then, there wouldn't be any source of income. Luckily, we have a solution for you."

"Am I staying with my mother's boyfriend, Frank?"

"No. Your mother never added him as a legal guardian and he seems to be in no interest of taking care of you. Second, his financial income isn't big enough to support you. Third, he's been to jail twice for possession of illegal drugs and we can't risk you staying with him."

"Oh," I replied. I was relieved, seeing that staying with Frank would be a disaster. "But if I'm not staying with him, does that mean I'm going to foster care or an orphanage? I don't know anyone else here that would be willing to take me in."

"Don't worry about that. Frank gave us a strand of hair from a hairbrush that he found in your room. The police analyzed it and found that people with matching DNA were living in the country. From our assumptions, you have siblings."

"I'm sorry, but how is that possible? Mother never mentioned that there was anyone else besides her family who I've never met."

"Sierra, I understand that you have a lot of questions, however, I don't know the answers to them since that's private information. What I do know is that you have siblings who live in New York. They'll answer your questions. Now, given that you live in California, you're going to have to fly on a plane."

"But why am I flying somewhere if I'll just end up flying back when my mother is found? Doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous?"

"In your eyes, Sierra, it does. However, when searching, the police found illegal substances in your mother's room. When she is found, she will be investigated and if she's found guilty, then you'll have no choice but to stay with your siblings. The Justice department here takes possession of illegal substances just as seriously as domestic abuse and assault. And even if she's found not guilty, one of her previous boyfriends reported her for being neglectful. That type of environment is unhealthy so you'll be staying with your siblings in New York regardless of the outcome."

After Principal Smith told me what happened, I was stunned. Having siblings was a shock to me. But what surprised me more was that Mother could be prosecuted and if found guilty, put behind bars. My relationship with her wasn't good, but I didn't want her to get in trouble for possessing illegal substances. She was still my mother, regardless whether I liked her or not.

"Don't worry Sierra, we did a background check on your siblings and they live in an affluent neighborhood while having a clean background. Their financial records and credit score are extremely high so money won't be an issue. Now, tonight get some rest and pack your bags. There's going to be a taxi that'll take you to the airport at seven-thirty in the morning. We bought you a last-minute ticket and Frank, your mother's boyfriend stated that you have a passport. You're a good student, Sierra. I hope that you continue to hold onto your dream of being a lawyer. I was impressed with your presentation on Career Day. I know that you weren't the most popular student or the most liked by the influential students, but you were one of the best pupils that Windsor High School has ever seen. I hope it can stay that way at your new school."

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