Chapter 28

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During lunch, everything was going well at first. Gavin showed me how to get food from the lunch line, and I managed to actually eat something for once. Layla, Skylar, Diana, and I were chatting about the project from science class until Chloe attracted everyone's attention by walking to the middle of the Cafeteria.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make," she declared. "It's about someone that a good amount of you might know. Her name is Sierra. This bitch decided to try and steal my boyfriend." A few gasps were heard, and suddenly, a bunch of people were looking at me.

"Shut up, Chloe," Layla yelled as she got up and walked toward Chloe. "Leave Sierra out of this. She's not even interested in Jace."

"I don't give a fuck about if she's interested in Jace, you dumbass. A few weeks ago, she went on a motorcycle with Cole. Did you really think I would forget something like that?"

"You're just lying to gain sympathy."

"I'm not, and you of all people should care about that."

"Go fuck yourself. Even if she does like Cole, which I doubt, she can like whoever she wants. Cole isn't property, and it's not up to me to decide who she can pursue. Stop creating issues like these. It's ridiculous."

"We all know you still like him," she mocked. "It's pathetic, really."

"I like him more than you, that's for sure. Dating you is the biggest regret I have."

Enraged, Chloe threw a punch to Layla's face. Layla retaliated and kicked Chloe's shin. A few of the students had their phones out and none of the teachers or lunch-aids were around, causing us to be unsupervised.

"Is violence the only way you know how to solve your problems?" Layla shouted. "Gosh, no wonder you can't keep a relationship."

"Is complaining the only way you cope when things don't go your way? No wonder people hate you."

"Shit, they're gonna kill each other," Diana remarked. "How do we stop them?"

"I don't know if we're going to be able to," Skylar replied, looking worried. "Oh God, this is bad. Where the fuck are the teachers when you need them?"

"Is someone gonna die?" someone else asked while taking out their phone. "Oh my gosh, the fight's already going live on Instagram."

At this rate, Layla's nose was bleeding and Chloe's face was bruised. A few of the boys tried intervening, but were stopped by Cole. He told them to stay out of the situation and tried to end the fight, but got berated.

"How could you do that to me, Cole?" Chloe screamed. "I'm your girlfriend for crying out loud. Why did you let Sierra out of all people go on your motorcycle? You didn't even let me do that. Why do you want to date her? What does she have that I don't?"

"I don't know, maybe an actual brain?" Layla retorted.

"What the hell? I'm not interested in dating Sierra."

"Oh really? Why's that? You let her go on a motorcycle with you, and you've never done something like that for me. Why does she get to be prioritized over me if you're not interested in her?"

"I don't know, maybe because it's because incest is fucking disgusting and she's my sister. You're a fool if you think that I'd choose you over her."

"You're his sister?" Layla shrieked. "Oh my gosh, Sierra, I'm so sorry for asking you if you wanted to date Gavin back when you were at my house. Oh my gosh, I should've known."

"I'm sorry too," Diana mumbled when she looked at me. "I had no idea you guys were siblings. But now, it makes sense that Adrian was at the hospital the other day."

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