Chapter 38

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Sierra's POV
How the hell was I supposed to get a gift for Stefano? I had no idea what he liked and disliked. Worst of all, I couldn't even ask Gavin or Cole for advice since I wasn't allowed to say who I got. 

Well, technically, asking for advice didn't exactly mean saying who I got, but it would be so obvious to them that I had to get a gift for Stefano. 

Anyways, what the fuck was I supposed to get him? It wasn't like I could get a watch since he already wore one. Even if he didn't, Stefano probably had enough money to buy out the entire store.

I could get him something practical like a blender or something. After all, he seemed like the type to drink a green smoothie everyday for breakfast. Oh wait, that wouldn't work since he probably already had a lifetime supply of those. Dammit, what was I supposed to get him?

Left with no idea on what to gift Stefano, I decided to sneak around to see if any of my brothers revealed who they got. Unsurprisingly, Cole and Gavin ended up revealing who they got to each other.

"Yo Cole who'd you get? I know we aren't supposed to reveal who we got and all that, but I don't give a shit."

"I got you."

"Wait, for real?"

"Yeah, so what do you want?"

"A mini-fridge would be nice."

"Why do you want that?"

"I don't have the energy to walk to the kitchen."

"Fair enough. I'll be sure to get you the best model available. Just make sure you act surprised when you open up your present. Also, who did you get?"

"I got Adrian. Do you have any idea of what he wants?"

"He did mention wanting a new pair of headphones."

"Thanks, Cole. By the way, who do you think everyone else got?"

"I don't know. Maybe Adrian got Sierra, Sierra got Jett, Jett got Stefano, and Stefano got me."

"I have no idea how accurate your prediction is, but I seriously feel bad for whoever got Stefano. Shopping for him is impossible. As a matter of fact, he seems like the type of person to hate store-bought gifts."

"Half the time, I don't even know what goes through his head. He never indicated what he wanted before."

"Honestly, whoever got Stefano should just buy him a gag gift. At least his reaction would be funny to see."

I left my spot and sighed. This wasn't working at all. Maybe asking Adrian for advice would work, even if it meant revealing that I selected Stefano.

I walked around the house until I found Adrian in the kitchen.

"Hey Sierra, is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh, do you have an idea of what each of our brothers want? I don't want to spoil who I got, but I need some advice."

"Well, first off, I'm gonna assume you didn't get me. Second, Cole wants instant ramen since Stefano makes us all eat healthy food and he could use a cheat meal; Gavin wants a mini-fridge or something to store food in his room; Jett wants some sort of mini massage chair since he's stressed out all the time; and Stefano, well, he seems like the type to want something practical."

"Thanks Adrian."

"No problem, but let me guess, you got Stefano?"

"Wait, what?"

"Let's just say that I secretely marked the slip with Stefano's name so I could avoid getting a gift for him. It was a shitty move on my part."

"I get why you did that, but I don't even know what I'm supposed to get him. What kind of practical stuff would he want?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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