Chapter 21

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"Sierra," she started crying. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

"It's fine, Isabella, but what exactly happened to you?"

"Are you gonna tell Damon? Please, just promise me you won't tell him. I'll die of embarrassment," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"Why would I tell him?"

"Aren't you friends with him or something?"

"Uh, no? I've only known him since Sunday. And even if I was friends with him, it's not my place to tell him whatever problem you have. Not only is that an invasion of privacy, but I'm awful at socializing. But are you gonna tell him?"

"He'll just laugh," she continued sobbing. "You'd probably laugh at my situation too."

"I don't think he'd laugh. He seems very serious and mature for his age. I don't know him very well, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to laugh at another person's issues. But I promise you, I'm not gonna laugh. Now, what's upsetting you?"

"I-I might've started my period," Isabella stuttered. "And I don't know what to do. I didn't think I would get it today, and I have no idea what to do. I don't have pads, or whatever it is that women use. All I know is that there's a bunch of blood and it stained my clothing. This one girl already noticed, and she started laughing at me. This is just humiliating, and I still have English class left before school ends today."

"Hey, calm down," I tried reassuring her, but miserably failing. "Don't worry, I'm sure things like this happen all the time. Look, do you want me to take you to the nurse? I'm pretty sure she has some products you can use for the time being."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah, of course."

"You're not gonna tell Damon, right?"

"No, it's your decision on whether or not you want to tell him that you're on your period. But, I recommend that you at least tell your mom or someone who you trust, so that you can get pads in the future. That way, situations like these can be prevented."

I took Isabella to the nurse, and when she learned of Isabella's situation, she lead Isabella to another room. She thanked me for my accompaniment and allowed me to leave the office. Unfortunately, the bell rang before I managed to enter the gym, and I'd seem like a brat if I wasted more time by going back to her office and asking for a late pass.

"Sierra, why are you late?" the teacher asked when I entered the gym. Well, so much for trying to be a perfect sister who was never tardy. But in my defense, it was more important to help someone in a situation as serious as that one than to be on time.

"Sorry ma'am, I had a situation."

"Don't be late again." I nodded and found Diana in the changing room.

"Sierra, where were you?" Diana asked.

"Sorry, but I can't say. Don't worry, though, I'm not in any trouble."

"That's a relief. And don't forget, tomorrow's the game."

"Don't worry, I made a mental note of that."

During gym class, we had to do multiple rounds of fitness. Pretty much everyone in class and I hated it with a burning passion. Eventually, school had ended, and I had cheerleading practice now. Since tomorrow was the game, the coach had us practice our routine dozens of times. I don't think she's ever put so much pressure on us during practice.

"Yue, bend your knees a little more. Ari, try to be lighter on your feet. We're playing against another school, and I want you girls to perform the routine as best as you can. We're not focused on perfection, we're focused on performance. It's important that everyone's in sync with each other instead of who perfects the technique the best. Remember that we aren't trying to compete against each other."

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