Chapter 29

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"What event would this even be?" Cole asked. "Adrian and I are planning to throw a Halloween party next week."

"First off, did I give you permission to do that? Second, I quite frankly don't care if you're planning to throw a Halloween party, I need all of you at this event," Stefano replied.

"Why are you even dragging my name into this, Cole?" Adrian questioned. "I literally told you that we shouldn't throw a party. Besides, we have school!"

"Since when did you start caring about your grades? Are you a nerd now or something?"

"I'm also saying this for Sierra's sake. She has three tests during the week of Halloween, and I think she would prefer studying to partying with a bunch of obnoxious teenagers. But as a compromise, why don't you just throw a party after those exams are finished?" Well, he wasn't wrong there.

"You're no fun," Cole scoffed.

"And you're not very smart, but you don't see us complaining," Jett interrupted. Ouch.

"Did I ask?"

"All of you, just quiet down," Stefano sighed. "Anyways, Sierra, during this time of year, there's a business event that we attend. Usually, we just talk with other people and make deals but since you joined our family, I think it's time we introduce you to our business partners."

"Oh, okay. Do I have to dress up or anything?"

"Yeah, there is a dress code, but don't feel that you have to dress extravagantly. It's fine if you just wear a blazer with pants or something. If you want, I can ask someone to help you find an outfit."

"It's fine, thanks for offering though."

"No problem, Sierra," Stefano responded while briefly smiling. That was a first.

* * *

It was currently the day of the event, and Cole was helping me put on a necklace while Gavin was sulking over the dress code.

"Why do I have to wear a tuxedo again?" Gavin complained. "Can I just skip the event?"

"No, Gavin. Surprisingly, we actually need you here," Jett remarked.

"Where did Stefano go?" Cole asked. "Did he die or something?"

"Sadly, no. He got caught up with something in the last minute. We're going to have to go to the party without him."

"Finally, something good happens."

"Gavin, shut it and go to the car."

The drive to the party was rather peaceful. I guess it was nice that Stefano wasn't bickering with Jett and Gavin while in the car.

When we got there, I was surprised by how nice the building was. It was five stories high and when we arrived inside, we were immediately greeted by many people.

"Ciao, Jett. È bello vederti. Come sei stato? (Hello, Jett. It's nice to see you. How've you been)" an older man greeted before noticing me. "May I ask who the young lady is?"

"Sono stato bravo e presto saprai lei è. Faremo un annuncio a riguardo, (I've been good, and you will soon know she is. We will make an announcement about it)" Jett responded. Why were they talking about me?

"Ah, good to know. I'll leave you to it," he said before leaving us alone.

"Alright, so this is when you guys can do whatever you want. Just make sure you don't get into any trouble, okay?" Adrian instructed. "In case of an emergency, call me or Jett." I nodded in response.

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