Chapter 31

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"What the fuck do you mean he's in the hospital?" Jett clenched his jaw. "What the hell happened?"

"How about you get here first?" Stefano yelled on the phone. "Then, I'll explain it to you."

"Alright, I'll be there soon. Just calm down."

"Like you're the one to talk," Stefano retorted before Jett ended the phone call.

While Jett was driving the car, he kept apologizing to me for his use of language. I didn't think much of it since if I was in Jett's place, I'd probably be worried too and disregard the tone of my words.

When we arrived to the hospital, Jett immediately ran to the lobby. Oddly enough, the hospital didn't have many people, and its location seemed rather isolated. On the inside, only the receptionist was present.

"Mr. and Ms. Rossi, I wish you could be here under different circumstances," the receptionist gave a dull look when we walked towards them. "Your brother is on the fourth floor. He just got out of surgery."

"Thank you," Jett responded while they gave a nod. "Come on Sierra, let's take the elevator."

The ride to the fourth floor was tense. I could tell that Jett was trying to hide his feeling of anger from me, but he miserably failed.

When we got to Adrian's room, I was shocked. He was hooked up to an IV, his arms were littered with bruises, his head was bandaged, and worst of all, he was unconscious.

"Doctor, mind explaining to me what the hell happened to him?"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Rossi suffered from multiple gun shot wounds and was beaten quite badly. He was lucky to have been admitted to the hospital as soon as he was, given that he might not have survived."

"I-is he going to be okay?" I asked, nervous from what I was seeing.

"Well, the injuries do seem quite bad. However, I can reassure you that these injuries are nothing compared to the past, where-"

"Doctor, I think that's enough. Don't start scaring my sister with information that doesn't concern her."

"Of course, Mr. Rossi, my apologies. Ms. Rossi, please mind my words."

While Jett and the doctor left to talk about Adrian, my brain only became more confused. How did this happen to Adrian? My instinct told me that there was something my brothers were hiding from me, but I didn't want to find out what that was now. I tried to reason with myself, maybe this happened since my brothers were rich and had enemies.

Better yet, maybe Adrian owned a gun and had an accident while handling it. No, that couldn't be it, and that theory didn't even explain the bruises found on his arms. We were in New York, where someone had to be at least 21 years old to get a gun. Adrian wasn't 21 yet, but if he did have a gun, that meant he had to either obtain it illegally or receive it from Stefano or Jett, who both were of legal age.

That possibility led me to a third idea, and it was one I didn't want to believe. While the idea was absurd, I still believed it was valid: my brothers were involved with organized crime, or better known as the mafia. If that was the case, it made sense why the hospital was in an isolated location, why Adrian was attacked while being in a low-crime area, why my brothers seemed so secretive of things, and why I haven't met my father yet.

If they were in the mafia, then it would make sense as to why I've only met Natasha, my father's wife, and not my father. Based on my research with Layla, people in the mafia often had prisoners who belonged to other mafias. I could be over-exaggerating the situation, but it could be possible that the reason I never met my father was because he was stuck in some other place. My brothers already demonstrated that they kept secrets, so it would be reasonable if they kept the truth about my father's whereabouts from me.

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