Chapter 7

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"Class is dismissed," Ms. Monroe said as the bell rang. Diana and I pushed in our chairs, carried our bags, and left the classroom. Remembering what Jace told me, I thought of an excuse to give to Diana so she wouldn't get suspicious.

"Hey, I need to go to my locker to get something. You don't have to wait for me."

"Okay then, I'll tell Skylar and Layla that. I'll see you then, Sierra."

She smiled at me and left as I casually walked into the halls. I saw Jace and he smirked at me as I cautiously walked towards him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I snapped. "I have lunch to attend to and my friends are going to get suspicious if I come in late."

"Relax," he said. "Is it your time of the month or something? I can show you where the nurse's office is."

"It's bold of you to assume that when a girl acts differently, it's due to a hormonal change. Have you ever considered the idea that she could be pissed off since a random person just asks her to talk when she's trying to return to class like a responsible student?"

"I guess so, but most of the girls that I know act kind of obnoxious when they're undergoing a five-day period of irregular mood swings."

"I wouldn't apply that to all girls, but for the sake of time, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, yesterday, you bought a first-aid kit. However, that was a huge scam. A bunch of guys at my table were shocked when they saw you leave the store with it. I walked up to you and questioned why you bought it. If you didn't know, the first aid kit had drugs such as Cocaine and Heroin in it. To cover it up, there were bandages, scissors, painkillers, disinfectant, and cotton swabs. It was originally meant for someone else to purchase but a teacher needed to talk with them. I hope it doesn't trouble you, but if you have it with you, I need it. If someone in your home found it, you and the school would be in severe trouble.

"Yeah, here it is. I hope you don't mind, but I took the painkillers and bandages. To be honest, I didn't even know that there were drugs in it."

"I'm not surprised. Hiding drugs is easy as long as the right people do it."

"Speaking of this topic, this person named Gavin who's in some of my classes briefly mentioned it to me. How did they find out? Are you friends with them?"

"Yeah, Gavin's friends with me and the people at our lunch table. He was using the bathroom and asked why some people looked shocked. Someone mentioned you and he asked for more details. I told him your name and that you were buying the first aid kit from the store. I'm sorry if he scared you a bit."

"It's fine, but how did you know my name? I didn't know who you were until yesterday, in the Law Course. Did someone tell you?"

"No, Ms. Monroe was taking attendance for the class. I heard her say your name and I saw you raise your hand. Also, someone at my table said that you were in their Science class."

"That's believable. But, it's been five minutes now so we may as well leave. I'll see you in the next class. Sorry for cutting things so abruptly but it's for the best of us. Neither of us need other people to get suspicious of where we are. Especially since we're both gone at the same time."

"Yeah, I agree. I'll see you next period."

I walked to the Cafeteria as Layla, Skylar, and Diana greeted me. I slumped down in my seat and pulled out the Science packet from earlier. Knowing that I wasn't going to be buying any food, homework was the better option.

"Sierra, are you sure that you're not hungry? I can buy you food if you need me to. And you don't have to pay me back."

"It's fine Skylar. I have a tendency to eat a large breakfast because I have this irrational thought process that the food here isn't good. At my old school, according to some students, the tacos shells were like cardboard and I'm pretty there was fake cheese on the pizza. I tried their waffles once and they were still raw."

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