Chapter 78 (Bridesmaid?)

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Maybe triggering pictures and violence

Roman Maddox Blade's POV

I still couldn't believe what my sister had gone through.

All throughout the car ride, all I could think about was her.

I just felt like crying.

By the time Xander and I reached home, it was 2am in the morning.

We fed the dogs and brought them out for a walk.

After that I still couldn't sleep, so I drove to my girlfriend's house.

My girlfriend who I hadn't talked properly to, in a few days.

To be fair, I did message her telling her that I would be busy with an emergency situation.

I also told her that, I might not be able to call, message or visit her for a few days.

But, I still ordered flowers to be randomly delivered to her house.

It was really a miracle that I didn't crash the car and die, driving to her house.

It was fucking hard driving a car, when you're in a cast.

I wobbled to Sara's front door.

I knocked on the door.

I knew that she was awake because, I saw that she was active on Instagram.

The door was opened by Sara's older brother, Alex.

"Oh boy. You're dead. She's been angry, grumpy and throwing tantrums because apparently you've been ignoring her" Alex said, as I entered the house.

Seriously? Throwing tantrums?

"Thanks Alex" I said, heading up to her room.

I entered Sara's room.

She looked happy to see me but literally slapped me across my face.


"Where have you been? I've missed you. You didn't call or text" She said, hugging me after the slap.

"I told you I was going to be busy for a few days, Sara. I'm sorry" I said.

Sara was my best friend in high-school.

We lost contact for years and recently reconnected.

After a few days of talking and meeting, Sara said that she liked me.

I liked her a lot in high-school, so I decided why not just give it a chance.

After dating for a few months, I realised how much Sara had changed.

She was no longer the carefree and happy Sara, I knew.

She was controlling and possessive.

She was jealous of many girls, who didn't even do anything to me.

I sat down with her on her bed.

"Sara, my brothers and sister were in the hospital. Elijah has leukaemia. Ana's recovering from serious trauma. Xavier just had brain surgery" I said.

I could feel tears coming out of my eyes.

I squeezed them away.

I just wanted to be comforted by someone. Anyone.

"So? That doesn't mean you have to ignore me for days. You couldn't have texted?" She asked.

"How come your sister is more important then me?" She said.

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