Chapter 16 (Angry Xander)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker's POV

"he is dead" Ace said emotionless.

How could he just say it like that. I was so upset, to find out that the dad you had growing up was your stepdad and that your real father is dead.

I wanted to ask Ace more. I wanted to know my father. How did he die? What did he like?What was his favourite food? Did he love me?

Hell I didnt even know his name.

I just clamped my mouth shut and stared at him.

Wondering how he could be so emotionless talking about his own father.

His DEAD father.

"Go to you room and sleep, before that go and find one of your brothers and ask them for two ice packs, one for your face and one for you leg" Ace said.

"Tomorrow when you come for breakfast dont to hide your bruised face with make up. I want to see how it's healing" Ace demanded.

"Lastly, your last name will be changed back to Blade. Off you go now. Goodnight" Ace said to me.

That's it?? He wasn't gonna tell me more about my real dad?? I couldnt help but be disappointed.

I shouldn't bother Ace. Maybe he was still grieving his father's i mean our father's death.

Atleast he cared enough to ask me to put ice packs on my injuries.

"Oh ok-k I'm gonna go now.. Goodnight" I said to Ace, and limped out of his office.

"Buonanotte bambina mia" I heard him whisper to himself.

(Goodnight my baby girl)

Why can't he say it to my face? Stupid ass donkey

I went back to the kitchen and saw Xavier there.

"Hey-y uhrm Xavier, can-n uhh can I have two ice packs?" I asked.

"Sure bambina hold on" Xavier said.


He rummaged through the fridge and gave me two ice packs.

"Thank you-u, I'm going to uhrm sleep. Goodnightt Xav-xavier" I said.

"Goodnight baby. Breakfast is at 9. Be down by then ok?" Xavier said.

I nodded my head.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Im sure that Ace told you the rules" Xavier said.

Ouh shoot, I nodded my head instead of verbally replying to him.

"I'm sorry and ok I'll be dow-n-n by 9" I said.

He nodded his head.


How come he can nod his head but I cant?

Whatever, I started limping to the stairs, to go to my room.

"Hey babes, do you need help to go up the stairs" Xavier asked.

"No than-k-k you. I will uhh- manage" I said.

I slowly limped up the stairs.

By the time I reached up, I was practically dying.

I was filled with sweat and my ribs were hurting real bad.

Xavier watched me, until I reached up the stairs, then walked away.

I walked towards my room but then I realised something. I forgot which room was mine.

All the doors looked the same.

I walked to the door which I thought was mine.

I slowly opened the door incase it wasn't mine.

It was Xander's room.

I gulped when he looked at me.

"Dont you know how to fucking knock? What the fuck do you want?" he said, I mean he shouted at me.

Lemme tell you something I am a sensitive ass.

I cry easily, especially when somebody shouts at me.

I could feel tears gathering at my eyes

I gulped realising that Xander was in a bad mood. I swiftly turned around and starting running, I mean fast limping away.

I dropped the ice packs on the floor and used the walls to keep myself stable and limp away faster

"Why are you running away, get back here and tell me what you want?" Xander shouted

Xander was angry. People being angry means beatings for me.

I looked behind to see if he was chasing after me when I collided with a wall.

Fish sticks my head hurts and omg don't get me started with my ribs.

I just laid on the floor. Tears dripping down my face from both the pain and Xander shouting at me.

I was panicking at the fact that I knew I was going to get punished.

For not knocking on Xander's door and for running away from him.

Author's note

Hey guys hope you like this chaper. I started writing this book exactly 10 days ago. Thank you all so much for the 1.12k reads i cant believe it.

Anastasia is not sensitive. Ik some of yall be like oouh she is overreacting but bare in mind that she has been abused for 2 years by he so called "father"..

Love yalls. Thanks for reading

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