Chapter 25(Kill Them)

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"Uncle Joh-n-n? Who i-s-s that-t?"i asked pretending i didnt know him.

Although my stepdad hurt me more. John scarred me.

He made me afraid of men.

I would take Sir's beating over John touching me anytime.

"Dont play dumb with me Anastasia. Who is John? You were screaming for him to stop when you were sleeping" Ace said.

"Im really tired, im going to sleep" i said laying down on my bed and pulling the covers up.

"Dovremmo lasciarla riposare" the voice i recognised as Xavier said.
(We should let her rest)

"No, voglio sapere chi cazzo è John" Xander said.
(No i want to know who the fuck John is)

Suddenly the covers were snatched away from me.

My shirt rose up.

I quickly sat up and pulled down my shirt.

"Let me see your stomach" Ace said deadly calm.

I was too late.

I guess the boys saw my burnt mark and bruises in that split second my shirt was up.

"N-o-o, there is nothing to see" i said.

"Darling please dont make this difficult, let us see your stomach" Elijah said.

"Please dont make me do this" i said getting worked up, tears dripping out of my eyes.

Ace tried to pull up my shirt but i flinched away from him.

I swear i saw hurt in his eyes before his usual cold facade was back up.

Ace sighed.

"Xander, Xavier la tiene giù" Ace said.
(Hold her down)

I panicked and started to back away from them.

But, i had no where to go. I was already at the headboard of my bed.

I tried to jump out of the bed, but Roman caught me.

His hands were at my ribs.

I groaned in pain.

" Shit, im sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you" he said, putting me back on the bed.

Xander and Xavier held my hands and legs down.

I was squirming and crying.

"Ace n-o, there is nothing" i said.

He pulled up my shirt.

I stopped squirming.

Xander's and Xavier's grip loosened.

"Fuck"Xander shouted

"Xander come let's go kill the bastard" Roman said.

I quickly sat up and pulled down my shirt.

"Why didn't you tell us, why didn't you tell us you were in pain" Xavier asked looking sad.

"Im so-orry" I said.

"Xavier dont disturb her, How bad is the pain from 1-10" Elijah asked me.

"It hurts really bad" i said.

It really did hurt. Roman pressing on it did not help.

Elijah came and sat beside me on the bed.

Ace stood up and went to call someone.

Elijah's hand lingered near the hem of my shirt, silently asking me for permission to look at my stomach.

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