Chapter 46(Hospital)

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Anastasia's Pov

Elijah parked his car at the abandoned looking warehouse again.

I knew that the inside of this place was anything but abandoned.

Elijah looked at me giving me a smile.

"You can do this baby. Don't be scared, I will be right beside you" he said.

He came to my side of the car and opened my door.

"Thanks Lijah" I said, holding his hand and walking into the hospital.

I was feeling braver as Elijah was beside me.

"Is it going to be painful removing the stitches?" I asked him.

"You will feel a slight pinch honey. Don't worry, I'll ask Dr Pablo to be extra careful" Elijah said.

A few of the people there, bowed their head at Elijah.

Wow, he must be a respected doctor here, I thought to myself.

Elijah led me to a room where, Dr Pablo was waiting.

"Hi there, Anastasia. How are you feeling today?" He asked cheerfully.

I looked at Elijah, who smiled encouragingly at me.

"I'-m Im ok. Th-ank you f-or for asking" I said softly.

"Let's get a look at your hand shall we" Dr Pablo said.

He undid the bandage on my hand.

"Wow it's healing up nicely. Now, removing the stitches might sting a bit but I'm sure you can handle it. You seem like a brave girl after all" Dr Pablo said.

Removing the stitches actually did hurt alot but, Elijah held my other hand all the way and didn't let go, even when I squeezed his hand, in pain.

"There all done" Dr Pablo said.

"Now can, I look at the burn and your ribs?" He asked me.

I didn't feel comfortable with him seeing my stomach.

I looked up at Elijah, my eyes wide and desperate.

"Pablo it's alright. I will look at her stomach. She is not comfortable with you doing it" Elijah said.

"Alright Capo, understandable" Dr Pablo said.


"I'm uh sorry. I didn't mean to uh offend you. I'm ju-st not co- comfortable with others seeing my stomach. I'm also a l-ittle little self conscious" I whispered out to Dr Pablo.

"Oh it is no problem. Im glad you voiced it out. No need for apologies at all" Dr Pablo said smiling and going out of the room.

"Well, let's get a look at your stomach shall we?" Elijah said.

After checking on my burn and my ribs, Elijah readjusted the rib brace and pulled down my shirt.

"Well the burn is healing up nicely, you don't need to bandage it anymore. Let's continue putting the cream on. As for your ribs, it's still swollen, you have to wear your brace for another two weeks. And strictly no physical activities. Pain medicines should only be taken when you feel pain" Elijah said, in his doctor mode.

"Alright Dr Elijah" I said smiling.

Elijah smiled fondly at me.

"Thank you for being such a brave girl today Ana" He said.

"Well, I couldn't have done it with yo-" I was saying,

Suddenly the door to the room burst opened.

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