Chapter 5 (School Or Consequences)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker Pov:

Pain seared through my abdomen better than a branding iron, my mind conceding to the torment, unable to bring a thought to completion.

Without meaning to, my body curled into something fetal, something primeval and all the while the pain burns and radiates.

I gasp as I suddenly realised that I was going to be late for school. I slowly stood up and whimpered at the amount of pain I was feeling.

I limped out of the kitchen and took my cleaning supplies and cleaned up all my blood from the floor.

I was in excruciating pain but if the house was messy and if I skipped school, there will for sure be another punishment for me.

I saw the frying pan on the floor, I slowly limped to it and picked it up.

The frying pan had bits of burnt flesh under it. My flesh.

I could feel tears prickling at my eyes, looking at the pieces of my skin stuck at the bottom of the pan.

I threw the pan away.

After cleaning everything, I limped to the toilet and took a shower.

The cut from sir throwing the beer bottle and all the open wounds on my body stinged badly.

I used my towel to slowly dry myself.

I looked in the mirror and I gasped.

I can't even recognise the person in the mirror.

My body was littered in cuts and bruises.

My eye was swollen.

Everything hurt.

I looked at my stomach and was disgusting at the site. The skin was peeling and blisters were forming.I wanted to start crying. My skin was scarred for life. I looked horrendous. I put a bandage over it.

My ribs were aching.

I think they were broken. My head was throbbing painfully. I took two painkillers.

I put on make up to the best on my ability to cover up the bruises.

Not like anyone in school would care, but I dont want the teachers asking questions.

If sir found out that somebody discovered what he did to me, I cant even imagine what would happen to me. I shivered at that thought.

I quickly put on my leggings and my worn out hoodie when I realised that I was going to be late for school.

I took my bag pack carefully swinging it on my aching body and quickly wore my sneakers.

I limped down the stairs and started going to my personal hell, filled with teenagers who pick and bully me "for fun".

Half-way walking to school I almost gave up and turn to go back home.

My head was in pain, my whole body hurt.

I was ready to turn back but the consequence of skipping school would be far worse than what Sir did to me just now.

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