Chapter 82 (ANA NO)

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Ace Ryder Blade's POV

I ran to Blaze's room and slammed opened his door.

"She knows. She fucking knows" I said.

I could feel panic climbing up me.

I couldn't breathe properly.

Tears were filling up my eyes.

Blaze jumped up from his bed and rushed towards me.

"Ry! Ry! Calm down, bro. Calm down. It's alright. It's ok. I'm here. I'm here" He said, hugging me.

"Breathe, breathe" He said, softly.

Around all my other siblings, I felt obliged to act strong. Be strong, for them.

But with Blaze, I could be my true self. He knew me too well.

If I was acting, he could figure it out in a second.

After I visibly calmed down, I sat down on his bed.

"What happened?" He asked, calmly.

"Ana knows about me taking drugs" I said, shamefully.

I could see the evident shock on Blaze's face.

He quickly covered it up, but I saw it already.

"What the fuck? How?" He asked.

"Her stepfather used to take them too. I guess, she recognised my behaviour. Fuck man. I'm so embarrassed. You were the only one who knew, it was supposed to stay that way. Ana and the rest of them were never suppose to find out ever. But now, she knows" I said, tears dripping down my face.

"Who knows what?" Xander's voice, made me break away from Blaze's hug and quickly wipe my tears.

"Nothing" I said, plastering a fake smile, on my face.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Xander.

"Sad. But why are you crying?" Xander asked.

I stood up.

"Nothing. Nothing" I replied.

I kissed Xander's head.

"Hope you feel better soon" I said, to Xander.

I looked at Blaze.

"Thanks Blaze" I said, walking out of the room.

I could hear Xander ask Blaze what was wrong, but I knew that Blaze wouldn't tell Xander, about my shameful actions.

I got a message from my friend, that the laptop I bought for Aiden, was ready for collection.

I walked to Aiden's room.

She was laying on her bed, using her new phone.

"Hey, can I go to the shops? I need to buy some feminine hygiene things" Aiden asked me.

"I was just about to go out, to collect something too. Come on then, sweetheart" I said to her.

Aiden looked embarrassed, maybe at the fact, that I was following her to buy pads.

We walked down to the garage together.

I opened the car door for Aiden, closing it after she got in.

I got in and started driving to the shop.

I stopped the car outside the shop and waited in the car, for Aiden.

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