Chapter 23(They Did WHAT?? )

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After Xander and Roman left to make lunch for me,
"Are you ok?Does you arm hurt?" Elijah asked.

"No uh-h it burns a little, thanks for not bringing me to the hospital but instead calling a doctor home" I said to him.

I was terrified of hospitals.

Elijah chuckled "Oh honey, I'm the doctor. Well, I'm doing my residency now" he said.

"Oh wow, I didn't know you were a doctor, thank you for saving my life I guess" I said.

"Also, aren't you a little young to be a doctor?" I asked.

Elijah chuckled.

"I graduated early from high school. I was the valedictorian and I was 15 too.I went to med school early and did well there too" Elijah said.

"Wow that's amazing" I said in awe.

Right after I said that, Xander and Roman came in with food.

It was rice and curry. I whispered a quiet thanks and started eating.

It was really awkward as the boys were all there.

"Cosa pensi che ci dirà?" Roman asked my brothers.
(What do you think she is going to tell us?)

Again I guess they really thought I didn't know any Italian, so I played dumb and focused on my food.

"Beh, voglio dire, dovrebbe dirci la verità perché scopriremo in entrambi i modi" Xander said.

(Well I mean, she should tell us the truth because we are going to find out either way)

"Ho già chiamato Isaac per scoprire tutto su di lei prima che venisse a stare da noi" Ace said

(I already called Isaac to find out everything about her before she came to stay with us)

Who da fish chips is Issac? I wondered.

Well, I hope he doesn't find out anything.

"Ringggg" it was Ace's phone

"Speak of the devil and he shall call" said chuckling.

"Cosa hai trovato?" Ace demanded to Issac.
(What did you find?)

I was busy picking at my food, trying to not appear like I know Italian.

"È tutto normale? Cosa intendi? Cerca ancora. Qualcuno ha fatto del male a mia sorella e voglio sapere chi è quel bastardo" Ace yelled into his phone.

(It's all normal? What do you mean? Search some more. Somebody hurt my sister and I want to know who that bastard is)

I flinched at his yelling.

He looked at me "I'm sorry baby, some work issues" he apologised for shouting.

I was done eating so I put the plate aside, and took a deep breath so hear it goes.

"After mom died, I  had to start working as dad wait, no- my uh stepdad started drinking. I got bullied a lot. Sometimes, it was physically sometimes mentally. I started uhm having pa-nic, panic attacks and anxiety" I said to them

Yup! I decided not to tell them about my stepdad and John. I was not ready yet. I couldn't do it. I just hope they wont find out before I tell them.

"GIVE ME NAMES" Xander shouted

"Who would fucking dare?" it was Roman.

"Are you ok?" Xavier asked.

"Im going to call the fucking principal and expel those students" Elijah said.

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