Chapter 44( Xander Has A Girlfriend? )

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Xander's POV

After I went out of the house, I rode my bike to a club owned by Ace.

I just sat there and had a few beers.

I sat down thinking about what I said to Ace.

Obviously I didn't mean all of it but most of what I said was true.

I didn't want to take my medicine because it makes me emotionless.

It feels shitty to have no emotions and sometimes even if I take my medicine, I still cannot control my anger.

Honestly, I see no point in taking them.

However, I shouted at Ace and pointed my middle finger at him which was unnecessary as hell.

I need to find a way to apologise to him.

I didn't even mean to be rude. Especially to Ace, the one who I look up to.

He puts all our needs before his own and I know that he has been busy with the gang.

I knew it wasn't his fault and I still shouted at him.

Im such a bitch, I thought to myself, gulping down my beer.

Fuck this, I need something stronger.

"Can I get some vodka shots?" I asked the bartender, sliding my card on the table to him.

"Sure sir, give me a minute" he replied.

After downing six shots, I started feeling drunk.

My movements were unsteady and slow.

I called Ace "Ayeeee Acey boy, Im so-sorry for shouting, didn't mean it. I'm really sorry mannn. I love youu so much. Please don't givee up on me brotherrr. " I slurred.

"Xander where are you? Are you freaking drunk? You got school tomorrow. Where are you? I'll come pick you up" Ace said angrily.

"Aceyy boy don't get angryyyy, I'll come home soooon. My baby is pickingg me up. Don't worryyy" I said.

"Who is your ba-" Ace was asking but I cut the call, oopss.

I called my baby.

"Heyyyloo babbyyyy, I miss you" I slurred.

"Xander are you drunk? Where are you?" my cutie asked me concerned.

"Ohh don't worry, Im not drunk. I had likeee twoo beers and twoo shotsss, nooo wait, I think threee or maybe fourrr" I hicupped.

"Pass the phone to the bartender" my baby demanded.

"Alright. Alrightttt. Heree my baby wants to talk to you. Don't flirt with each other" I warned the bartender.

"Yes, we are at Atrocious, yes the club. Yup at street 54. Ok sure, no problem. He is the boss's brother." The bartender said over the phone.

He handed me back my phone and told me to wait.

He asked to drink a cup of water.

"Your friend is coming now and demanded me to make sure that you stay here" The bartender said.

"Okk fine" I said, resting my head on the table.

My eyes closed unwillingly.

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulders.

It was Ace and Roman.

"Ohhh fuckk off, Im waiting for my baby" I mumbled.

"Come on, get your ass up Xander. You are drunk as hell" Roman muttered helping me up.

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