Chapter 50 (Movies)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

Xavier put on a movie called Ratatouille.

It was a really cute movie.

Xavier snuggled up with me and we ate snacks while watching the movie.

Half-way through the movie Xander came down.

"Ho raschiato le parole con un cucchiaio" Xander said to Xavier.

(I scraped the words out with a spoon)

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Xavier said.

I kept quiet and looked at the movie but my ears were listening attentively to my brothers talking.

"Ho tolto le parole dalla torta" Xander said.

(I took the words out of the cake)

"Perchè?" Xavier asked.


"Uhh Grey mi ha rimproverato. A quanto pare, non lo facciamo a una ragazza che ha avuto il ciclo di recente Ha detto che la torta va bene ma le parole dovevano sparire" Xander said, looking at Xavier before looking back at the Tv.

(Uhh Grey scolded me. Apparently, we don't do that to girls who recently got their period.He said the cake is fine but the words had to go)

"Oh ok. Glad he told us" Xavier said.

Who is Grey?

What cake and what words?

They got me a cake because of my period? I love cakes, I think, I forgot how they tasted.

I wanted to ask them what they were talking about but it was none of my business.

I snuggled up to Xavier, stealing his warmth and watched the movie.

I dozed off near the ending of the movie.

I stretched when I woke up, my hand accidentally hit someone in the face.

"Oh poop. I'm sorry. Im sorry Xavier. It's an accident" I said,closing my eyes and bracing myself for a slap or punch.

"Hey, hey calm down. Im not going to hit you back" Xavier said.

I opened my eyes and timidly looked at him.

Xavier was rubbing his jaw.

"It's alright baby. I know it was an accident and even if you hit me or any of our brothers on purpose, we are never going to hit you back ever." Xavier said.

"Ok. Im sorry" I said for being so scared and maybe I was overeacting but I couldn't help it.

"No need for apologies" Xavier said smiling.

"Can you go to Elijah's room? He wants to talk to you" Xavier said.

I got nervous.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, avoiding eye contact with Xavier.

"No, no baby you're fine. He just wants to talk to you" Xavier said.

"Alright" I said.

"Come on, I will walk you there, Im going to my room" Xavier said standing up.

Xavier knocked on Elijah's door.

"Jajah, Ana's here" He said.

"Come in and dont call me that Xavier" Elijah shouted from inside his room.

Xavier opened the door, Elijah was sitting on his bed using his laptop.

"Alright bye Ana, bye JAJAH" Xavier shouted,running away.

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