Chapter 41(Flashback)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

I awkwardly shuffled to the only empty chair which was between Xavier and Xander.

It was so quiet and tense, no one uttered a word.

Ace sighed and told everyone to eat up.

Dinner was pasta and meatballs.

The only sound in the dining room was the scraping of the forks against the plates.

I ate about three fork full of the pasta and half a meatball before I was full.

"Uhm. Im full. Can I go to my room?" I awkwardly asked out to my brothers.

Ace cleared his throat.

"I believe we all should have a talk" Ace said.

"Well I don't want to talk to you guys. Im tired" I said.

"Well its not your choice so keep quiet" Xander butted it.

"Well I was talking to Ace not you" I said softly.

"But Im talking to you" Xander said.

"Enough. Stop arguing like little kids" Elijah said.

"Ana eat your food finish" Roman said.

"Oh my god stop telling me what to do. Im full. Do you want me to eat everything and vomit it all back in my plate?" I questioned.

"Hey! Dont be rude to your brother. He is just worried about you not eating" Elijah said.

"Im sorry" I whispered when I realised that Elijah was probably right.

"Ok everyone calm down. Ana go to your room first. Once we are done eating,I will call you down to talk" Ace said.

"Ok fine" I said and went to my room.

Back in my room, I paced back and forth, I was biting my nails.

I was terrified of the punishments I might get.

I just kept thinking about the talk that I was going to have with my brothers.


"Where is my fucking food" sir shouted.

"Uh the-re there is nn-othing t-o to c-ook" I stammered out.

"Are you talking back?" he shouted taking big steps towards me.

Im literally just answering your question, I thought to myself.

I braced myself for the beating, I was going to get.

He slammed my face against the wall repeatedly and shouted at me.

He dragged me by my hair to the toilet.

Sir then filled up the bathtub and pushed my face in and held it there.

I squirmed my whole body and thrashed around, trying to push my face up to catch my breath.

This is it, I thought to myself.

This is how Im going to die.

I could feel my life leaving my body.

Black dots filled my vision.

Sir suddenly pulled me up and kicked me, muttered profanities and walked away.

I coughed and spit out water.

I wished that he would just killed me and end my misery.

I just wanted my mom to hold me tightly and reassure me that everything was alright.

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