Chapter 45 (Who Did That To You Baby?)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

(This was before the twins woke up)

I woke up because I felt my bed move.

My eyes quickly snapped open, panic filled my heart, till I realised it was just Elijah.

"Hey! Goodmorning, sorry I woke you up" Elijah said.

"No. It's alright. Im sorry I forced you to sleep in my room. I was really scared yesterday night Elijah. Trust me. I wouldn't have made you stay in my room if I wasn't scared" I rushed out, feeling guilty that I forced my brother to sleep in my room.

"It's alright. No need to worry. How are you feeling?" "Elijah asked.

"Well, Im alright. I'm sorry, if you guys felt that I overreacted yesterday night. I couldn't help it, the flashback just came and I-I couldn't sto-p it" I whispered.

"No one thought that you were overeacting. Now, how bout you go take a shower and change. We've got to go to the doctors today, to remove your stitches and for a check up" Elijah said.

My heart started pounding at the word hospital.

"You will be th-ere with m-e me right Lijah?" I asked timidly.

"Of course honey, I will be there right beside you. Now go on, go take shower. I'll make some breakfast. Pancakes sound ok?" Elijah asked me.

"Yup they sound good" I said

"Elijah" I called as he was walking out of my room.

"Thanks for staying with me, you make me feel safe" I said, walking into my toilet.

"Anything for you" I heard him say.

I took a quick shower, not really in the mood to enjoy and be grateful for the warm water.

Everytime, I closed my eyes, I saw the twins fighting. Their faces would morph into John's and my stepdad's face. They would turn and laugh at me evily,walking towards me to hurt me.

I shuddered and quickly opened my eyes.

My paranoid self, make sure that no one was in the bathroom.

I even checked the cabinets just to be sure.

I got dressed in white sweatpants, I believe and a grey long sleeve shirt.

I put on some Nike shoes and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Hopefully, the twins were not up yet, I admit that I am kinda scared to face them again.

Thankfully, only Elijah was in the kitchen.

Oops I spoke too soon, Ace came into the kitchen from the other entrance.

"Morning Ana. How did you sleep?" he asked pulling out a chair for me to sit in.

"Morning. I slept great. Elijah kept me safe"I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"Ana Im sorry that your brothers fought in front of you causing you to have a flashback. They will be dealt with and given punishment"Ace said.

"Come here, you little bitch is this how you cook eggs? You deserve a PUNISHMENT" My stepfather said pulling my hair.

I snapped out of my trance, when I felt fingers on my shoulder.

"Hey are you alright? " Ace asked, making Elijah turn to face me instead of the stove.

"Yeah Im sorry. I uh got lost in my thoughts." I said.

"Alright" Ace said looking at his phone.

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