Chapter 14 (Prayers)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker's POV

My lips formed an "o" shape.

I knew I was in trouble and that I had to act fast.

I didn't want my brothers knowing about my past.

"Uhh" I whispered out.

"We didn't pray yet" I suddenly said, loudly.

Wtf did I just say? I mentally face-palmed myself. Way to go Anastasia. You don't even know how to pray properly.

Ace and Elijah who were sitting beside me gave me their hands.

What the heck was I suppose to do with their hands?

I just stared at their hands

All my brothers looked at me, I mean stared at me.

"Well, aren't you going to pray?" Elijah asked.

I didn't know how to pray. What do even even say? Thank you God?

My eyes burned, tears threatening to come out, in fear.

I started sweating, I used the back of my hand to wipe my face.

Only after I heard gasps from Xavier and Elijah, did I realise what I did.

I smudged my make up and one of the bruise in my face was slightly showing.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" Xander asked, me through gritted teeth.

Elijah looked worried, Xander looked ready to kill, Xavier looked fine but I could see a hint of concern in his eyes. Roman looked angry and kept staring at the half of the uncovered bruise on my face, Ace's face remained blank.

Stupid, stupid I'm so freaking stupid why did I have to rub my face? Im really dumb.

I was gaping like a fish.

Come on Anastasia think I was telling myself.

What the hell do I even tell my brothers?

"S-ince you started ea-t eating already, w-e we don't have to pray" I stuttered out.

I know I didn't even make sense. Stupid Ana.

Before anyone could ask me anything about the praying or the bruise on my face, I shoved a forkful of pasta in my mouth.

"You and I are going to have a talk in my office later, you understand?" Ace said to me.

No. Me no speak english.

I quickly nodded my head, my mouth still full of the tasty pasta.

My other older brothers looked curious as to what happened to my face.

But they didnt ask anymore questions, as Ace said that he was going to talk to me.

I was mentally prepping myself to talk to Ace. He was the most intimidating brother out off all my brothers.

I also had to think of a lie as to what happened to my face.

The boys talked to each other about their day, nobody talked to me.

I felt left out, even though this guys were my real brothers, I knew I dont belong.

I dont belong anywhere actually.

After eating 1/4 of my pasta I was stuffed.

I couldn't eat anymore. The pasta was amazing, one of the best foods I tasted but my stomach just wasnt used to food and me eating.

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