Chapter 80 (Chilli Sauce)

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This chapter raises awareness of Rape (male victims)

It wouldn't be too much in details but I'm writing it to raise awareness to all my male victims of rape or sexual assault.

I hear you and I'm sorry that you went through that. Don't be afraid to seek for help.

Destroy the mentality that men are stronger then women always. It's ok to ask for help.

Woman having sex with a man without his consent ought to be considered rape. 

It is rape.

It doesn't matter if a woman rapes a man, rape is rape.

I argue that, not only is it unjust, it is also both a cause and a consequence of harmful stereotypes and prejudices about male and female sexuality: (1) men are ‘always up for sex’; (2) women’s sexual purity is more important than men’s; (3) sex is something men do to women
-McKeever, N. Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter?/Criminal Law

Victims of sexual assault may not always physically struggle due to shock, fear, or financial and/or emotional dependence on the attacker. Even if no extra force is used, or someone submits to an attack or a threat, there may not be consent. It is still sexual assault.

Some people wrongly think that only women can be sexually assaulted. In fact, anyone can be a victim or a perpetrator of sexual assault, and the experience can be equally traumatic, regardless of gender.

Elijah Axel Blade's POV

Blaze looked at me.

We were conversing with our eyes.

B: Do something.

Me: Do what?

B: I don't know, anything.

I glared at him, my eyes saying 'Fuck you'

He glared back with the 'Right back at you'

I looked at Xavier, who looked like he was saying 'Swear Jar', with his eyes.

Ana couldn't know the truth, not right now atleast.

She has the right to know the truth, I admit.

But she's injured and heavily on medication, which messes up her emotions.

We will tell her the truth soon but not right now. Once she is a little better, we would all sit down and talk.

We'll give her space, be there for her. We'll do whatever she wants. I'm dreading the whole freaking conversation.

Suddenly, I remembered something that could help the current dilemma we were in.

"Oh uh the name Bellamy is familiar to you because, you were watching that show. The thousands or hundreds something. There was a guy named Bellamy there right?" I asked Ana.

"Th-e hun-dred" Xavier interjected, from his bed.

"Yeah hun, the hundred" I said.

"Yeah but that's not it" Ana said, deep in thought.

"No. That's it. You wouldn't shut up about the show, remember? You were talking about October or something, Bellamy's sister. You said you liked her hair" I told Ana.

"Octavia. Her hair was really pretty" Ana said.

Blaze was just looking at us, not knowing how to help.

Bellamy was looking at Xavier and playing with his fingers nervously.

Ana finally looked up.

"I guess my brain is messed up from the accident or maybe the medications" Ana chuckled.

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