nanami kento as your boyfriend

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-> first off- mornings with this man? the best. he has breakfast down to a science and is a pro at making waffles to the point where you regularly wake up to the smell of them cooking on the griddle wafting through the apartment, and when you get into the kitchen, there's a stack of them piled high on the counter, toppings adjacent for you to pile on at your choosing

-> whenever his eyes land on you, he's right behind you, arms snaking around your waist pressing a good morning kiss onto the top of your head. and he's always so warm- even in the middle of summer, he's your personal furnace

-> likes to read the newspaper after breakfast and always invites you to either sit with him or in his lap while he reads if you want. if you chose to sit in his lap, he's stroking your hair the whole time, every once in a while pointing to an article and asking you your thoughts

-> he also does the cross word puzzles in the newspapers as well and while he rarely gets stumped, you're the first person he goes to when he does

-> he absolutely adores classical music and old jazz/swing music- at least a few times a week you both'll slow dance to frank sinatra or art tatum at night in the kitchen after doing the dishes or in the living room underneath the morning sunlight- its fucking adorable

-> you introduced him into skincare, before you, man washed his face with bar soap and called it quits- now you both do face masks together sunday afternoons and are always trying new products together

-> he's not very touchy in public, maybe linking pinkies with you or at most a soft kiss on the cheek, but in private? he SO  jkjk he's still not super cuddly- but way more so than in public. he likes before bed snuggles, you're both fresh out of the shower, clean clothes, teeth brushed, faces washed, tired from whatever went on during the day and he likes to just bask in your presence. but i gotta say, mans pillow talk needs some work

-> he's really good about checking in on you throughout the day- always sending you little texts saying that he loves you, he misses you, the usual stuff. and when you're at home working, he's always dropping by where your sitting placing little kisses to your cheek, giving a few encouraging words before going on his way

-> may or may not have a slight addiction to fig newtons? man goes crazy for them and its adorable- he always seems to have one on him at any given moment and eats them when he's stressed (that's how he got his addiction- gojo carries sweets around and gave him one once and that's how it all began)

-> you both go on fancy dates at least once or twice a week- he likes to dress up and go eat good food with you. but his favorite parts are actually the midnight adventures you to end up going on, that's how he found his favorite book store- with you... awwwwwwww

-> has a really large collection of chapstick that you eventually convince him to share with you- but they all have very "organic" and earthy flavors- peppermint, ginger, mint- the works... he also loves to buy new ones and hides them for you to find (usually under your pillow)

-> paints your nails- mans has the steadiest hands (seriously could've been a surgeon)- and he loves to paint them all kinds of colors- AND HE EVEN DOES NAIL ART and all your friends are like "where'd you get your nails done" "oh my boyfriend did them" cue them all trying to steal kento but don't worry- he's super loyal to you

-> the absolute sweetest when you're sick or on your period- he pulls out all the stops- soup, blankets, socks, pain killers, heating pads, etc. he also will do store trips if you need him to get anything for you

-> he's also the perfect person to rant to, sits back, arms crossed over his chest, head slightly cocked to the side as he listens to what you say, nodding along to show he hears you- and he never utters a word unless you want advice

-> sucker for head scratches

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