fushiguro megumi as your boyfriend

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you were still blinking the sleep out of your eyes when you felt a hand pull your wrist, glancing down to see megumi layed out on the couch urging you to lay back down with him "gumi we just woke up and you're already napping?" he hums, successfully pulling you down with him, you laying against him, head tilted back on his chest as he slides his warm hands under your shirt, rough palms resting heavily on your stomach "m'still tired" you hear him mumble, pulling you closer against him, your own personal furnace "how are you so warm" "–" "gumi?" "–" you sigh, nestling closer against him, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest, content to lay there with him


"no 'gumi, you don't- ugh- no- here like this" you take the cuticle pusher from him, bringing his hand closer to your face as you get to work, admiring his nail beds "what color are you thinking?" "clear" "come on- choose a color" you mutter not looking up from his hand, finishing and grabbing the other one as he looks through the bucket of polish beside him "uhhhh- this one" he takes one, shoving it towards you- of course, its navy, almost black "mhmkay- ok hand it over" grabbing the polish, you unscrew the lid, beginning to slowly coat his nails, all the while megumi watches just as intensely, eyes glued to his hand in yours, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks at your close proximity, mentally noting to get you to paint his nails more often


megumi lets out a soft sigh as he looks at you, arms wrapped securely around you waist, you both swaying softly to the music, your head resting against his shoulder as you close your eyes. he loves the quiet moments you both are able to share, content with the lack of conversation, just the music floating loftily through the kitchen, frank sinatra droning in the background "y/n" "megumi" he pauses, his gaze resting on you as you lift your head from his shoulder "you look nice" "nice huh?" he nods "you don't look too bad yourself" at that he chuckles, you feeling it rumble through his chest, head falling back to its original place "we should do this more often" "mhm" you can't help but agree


you knew megumi had a knack for making playlists, even before you started dating, but what you didn't realize was how often he'd be sending you playlists- you looking down at your phone to see yet another ping, clicking it open to see a link and a little text under it "hey y/n, these are some of the songs i listened to this week i thought u'd might like- lmk what u think- love you <3″ smiling softly to yourself, you like the message, sending back a reply letting him know you're listening to it now before clicking on it, a familiar title popping up on screen "songs that remind me of y/n- pt.37″

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