18. Rejection

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"I'm going to reject Luna as my mate"
The words keep repeating in my head. I ran away after I heard Coby. I don't even know who he was talking to nor do I care. I feel like I've been hit by a freight train. My entire body physically hurts. My heart feels like it's been stabbed a thousand times and then ripped out. My stomach is in knots. I am balled up on Nina's bed in so much agony. It feels like I'm dying or a part of me is. I'm sweating and I'm pretty sure I have a fever even for a half ware. My body is drenched in sweat and my hair is plastered to my face. I don't care how I look I just want this pain to stop. I've been like this for what feels like forever and I can't see. My vision is so blurred from the pain I feel like I'll pass out any minute. I've been throwing up from the pain too.
Nina is here wiping my forehead with a wet cloth. She's been by my side this entire time trying to comfort me. I reach for her arm and look at her with pleading eyes. "Please help me, I can't take any more". Nina looks as bad as me, she's so distraught at my condition. I'm sure she feels helpless.
Then I see him in my line of vision. He came
I reach for him. "Coby please" I beg "help me" I whisper as the last bit of energy leaves my body. He pulls away at my touch as if it burns him. That sends another wave of pain through me and it pushes me over the edge. I black out

Nina's POV
"Coby are you insane! You're killing her wolf. You know this will happen because she's a half ware. What is wrong with you?! I've been here for two days caring for her, where the hell have you been?"
Coby is looking at me like I've lost my mind, maybe I have. I'm so exhausted and defeated. I haven't eaten or slept and I give up.
"You know what, I'm tired of cleaning up your mess. If you don't care about her and this pack then I won't either. You know full well what this rejection means for all of us. She doesn't, she wasn't raised by a pack so she's having to deal with so much in a short time but you have no excuse. I never thought I'd say this to you brother but I'm so disappointed in you. I'm ashamed of you! I'm done, care for her or don't. I'm done"
I walk out

Luna AwakenedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora