10. The Fight

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Luna's POV
"What the actual fuck! So this is how you people are, no loyalty? I knew it, you just made my decision crystal clear Coby I don't know what I was thinking."
I had been looking for him since she left the mess hall and it's been two fricken hours. I knew she would know where he is so I tried to focus on her scent but I would lose it in the woods. I finally traced her here and to no surprise she's with him. My heart is in my stomach and I think I might double over and puke. I can't believe seeing them together has affected me this much. My anger out weighs the hurt though so I shout the first things that come to mind. So much for her being nice! That sneaky bitch.
"I'll leave you two to talk" the witch says
"No please, don't let me interrupt your little reunion" I say dripping with sarcasm
"Luna stop, we were just talking" Coby says
Of course he's defending her
"Well I'm glad for you, must be lonely not having anyone to talk to. Not like I haven't been trying or anything. Better yet, not like I have my loved ones here to lean on as you two were."
"You saw that" she has the nerve to ask
"No need to wait, I'm going back to tell your mother I've made my decision"
Coby looks at me with so much hurt and defeat in his eyes. "Do what you must Luna, I won't stop you." He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away. Before he passes me I reach out and grab his arm to stop him.
"Tell me Milah, did he tell you the same thing when you left him? I'm curious, or did he actually fight for you?"
The silence tells me everything I need to know "that's what I thought"
"You have been fighting me since day one Luna, you have rejected me, my family, my way of life, everything. I did try but you keep pushing my buttons. Now you want me to fight for you? I fucking brought you here didn't I, I gave you a choice didn't I, I even fucking told you that you could have your old life back if you just bonded with me but none of it was enough was it. You are a selfish brat and maybe I'd rather spend my life unmated but have a life long friend by my side when I need her than to be stuck with you!" he shouts
I'm stunned and feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I grab it because the pain is unbearable. I don't look at either of them and slowly walk away and just like I thought he doesn't follow. He stays with her.
I don't know how I manage to find my way back but I do after being lost in the woods for God knows how long. I have scratches on my arms from them scraping against bushes and my hair and clothes are a mess. I'm so relieved when I see a clearing and I know I made it out the forest.
I see Nina first and she comes running to the edge of the woods to meet me. My hair is tangled and my feet are killing me. I grab her for dear life when she reaches me and I cry into her shoulder. I used to think I was tough and never cried, not even when my mom left. I would let the anger consume me to drown out the pain. It didn't work with Coby, the pain always outdoes the anger.
"Are you okay, are you hurt?" "Oh Luna, what happened, what did he do to you this time?"
"Help me to your cabin please" I say softly. My throat is so dry and my voice is hoarse. I'm so exhausted.
She doesn't say anything else and complies.
I go straight for the shower and cry some more as the hot water soothes my back. Why did my life get so messed up. A few days ago I was researching colleges, applying for scholarships, working part time and I had my dad and Diablo who loved me. Now I'm alone. Why me I ask God silently again.
I finally muster the strength to get out of the shower once the water starts turning cold. I open the bathroom door slowly and the room is empty. Nina has placed some clothes on the bed for me. She's too sweet and I thank goodness that at least she hasn't hurt me. I see the clothes is actually a beautiful white long gown. Then it hits me, tonight I have to go before the Elders and state my decision. Might as well get it over with. I put the gown on and look in the floor length mirror. I've lost weight since I've been here. The gown hugs my body to perfection and makes me look older. I decide I will put some effort into my appearance because I know she will be there. I want her to know she didn't get to me, even though he did. I brush my hair and pin it up to one side. I apply some of Nina's make up, luckily she likes neutral colors too. I find some low heels next to the bed. I'm about to walk out when the door opens. Nina walks in and smiles big.
"You look stunning, every guy will drool over you tonight. I'm so glad the dress fits" she gushes and I blush
"Let's go Luna, whatever happens I am your sister for life okay. I will be here for you no matter what. Remember that."
"Thank you Nina." I hug her

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