25. Home Sweet Home

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Luna's POV
It's been 6 months since I left. It almost feels like it never happened. If it wasn't for the ring on my finger I would think it was all a dream. I don't know why I haven't taken it off but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe it's because I always felt the day I got married it would mean something special. I turn the sign over to Closed and start to sweep. I managed to get my old job back at a cafe near my home. I'm working a double because my coworker called out sick so my feet are killing me. I don't mind closing alone. After I sweep, I take the trash out back. I throw the trash in the dumpster and turn to walk back inside. I notice someone is standing by the door. I start to panic.
"We're closed"
The person doesn't answer. Shit what do I do, I left my cell inside. I'm such an idiot.
"I'm not here for coffee baby girl"
I sprint towards the front of the cafe but he's too quick and grabs me roughly and shoves me against the wall hard. My head slams against the wall and I groan in pain. I knee him hard in the balls and try to run again but he yanks me back from my hair. I scream in pain. "Help!!" I yell but he covers my mouth with his bear hands and yanks me against his chest still holding my hair. I'm crying now, I feel like I'm hyperventilating and I can't breathe. I don't know why but Coby's words flood my mind. "Understand that when you leave I will never come after you. You will be unprotected. I won't come running to save you if you are in danger."
No one will save me. I stomp on his foot and elbow him on the side. He loosens his grip and I run, it hurt like hell but I'll survive. I'm running as fast as I can screaming for help. All of a sudden I feel him tackle me to the ground from behind. My face hits the concrete so hard I feel dizzy and will myself not to pass out. "Give it up, you can't escape me baby girl." he laughs at me. I must be so pathetic to him. How could I be so careless.
I let the mental wall down for the first time in 6 months. "Coby please save me." I shout through our mind link. Silence. I try again "Coby please." I plead. Nothing. I start to cry. "Please tell me what you want" I ask my assaulter. He flips me over so fast and spreads my legs and runs his hand down my body slowly starting from my breasts to my thigh then he grabs my pussy and I cry out "NO, STOP, PLEASE!" he laughs and starts trying to unbutton my jeans. I try to fight him off but he's too strong. He gets them unbuttoned and unzipped and yanks them half way down. "I'm going to have so much fun with you." I try getting loose but there's no use. Then out of no where he's yanked away from me. I don't see anyone else at first and then I see him. It's Dimitri. He turns to me and says get inside now Luna." I pull my pants up and don't bother buttoning or zipping and hold them while I run for the door. I lock it and turn the deadbolt. I sink to the ground crying uncontrollably and then finish buttoning my pants up. I feel so violated. I crawl to the window and peer out but don't see anyone. Should I call the police? I hear a knock at the front door and I'm jump startled and then I hear my cell ringing. I run to it, it's an unknown number. "Hello"
"Luna its Milah, open the front door it's me. I'm with Dimitri. He took care of that rouge."
"Rogue?" I question, my mind processing.
"Yes, it's safe now please open the door."
I look out the window and see Milah and Dimitri. I open the door. I run to her and start crying. "Shh it's okay, you're safe for now but word has gotten out Luna that you chose to live among humans and I'm afraid you are no longer safe. You need to live with a pack for protection. If you don't want to live with Coby you can stay with us. Our pack house is actually very close to here. That's why we were able to reach you in time."
"What about my dad?"
"Call him and just tell him you're staying at my house tonight. We can explain everything to him later."
"How did you know I was in danger?"
"Our pack has been keeping an eye on you. Coby doesn't know but we couldn't just leave you unprotected Luna."
I nod too exhausted to process anything right now. He didn't come.
I look at Dimitri who's been quiet. He looks genuinely concerned. "Thank you for saving me."
He just smiles at me "let's get going"

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