34. The Party

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Coby's POV
I'm so pissed right now at Jake. I cut him completely off the pack link and told everyone he's officially no longer a pack member. Everyone was in shock when I first told them earlier today about his betrayal, shit so was I. I'm so glad that Sammy came to me when he confessed to her last night. She's his best friend and I know it must have been so hard for her. She told me he was wasted last night and told her his big secret. The idiot even told her the day the Ridgewood pack is going to attack. I plan to use it against them now. I'm going to ask Dom for his pack's help and together we can take Ridgewood pack down with a surprise attack. We have time, it's not for another two weeks. So tonight we'll unwind, have fun, and celebrate.
I immediately spot Luna. She's on the dance floor swaying back and forth to the beat. She looks gorgeous under the glowing lights from the DJ. She senses me watching her and her eyes lock with mine. She looks at me so hungry and my wolf rumbles low in my throat. She's so damn sexy and since we bonded we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. I walk to her weaving in between bodies. She smells so good, a mix of fresh air and vanilla. I mold my body to hers and we begin to dance together. She reaches up and pulls me towards her even more so I lean in and kiss her. I know what she wants and I think I'm ready to call it a night but I still need to talk to Dom some more. I walk her to a table where Dom and Milah are and Luna scoots in next to Milah. Dom stands and this time he leads the way out. It's nice that he knew we had unfinished business.
I lean over to Luna and tell her to give me a few minutes, she grunts her disapproval but nods her head. I follow Dom out. We are back in my office. Dom takes his seat in the exact spot as before. I tell him my plan of attack and for the next few minutes we go back and forth on the details. We agree no one else should know until right before the attack. I plan to keep Jake locked up until after the attack, then I will cast him out. He will become a rouge because every pack will know he betrayed his own pack and worse, he's a snitch. No pack will want him. That's worse than death in my opinion.

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