28. Jesse

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Jesse's POV
My body and mind are still reeling from the affect Nina had on me. I can't believe I found my mate and she's beautiful even in her condition. I wanted so desperately to touch her because that would confirm what my wolf was screaming at me but Coby ruined it. I chose to leave without an argument because he's very observant and I was afraid I'd give myself away. I don't want to scare Nina. She didn't seem to have the same reaction to me, maybe because she's doped up on meds. I need to find a way back to her. If I am her mate I can help heal her. I can't waste any time. I mentally slap myself now for not staying.
I decide I first need to tell Dimitri so he's not blind sided. I wonder how he will take the news. This means Nina will come live with us after she recovers and that will mean all three of the women that Coby loves will be at Stanton House. I don't know why that makes me smile. He's a prick but then again if every woman I ever loved rejected me or left me I would be bitter too.
I find Dimitri in the kitchen of our main pack house. He's play fighting with Milah and I can't help but think soon I'll have that with my Nina. I used to be a little jealous of their relationship but very happy for them. Now I'll be able to have that too. I just hope Nina accepts me as her mate, I mean she would be crazy not to.
"Dom, I found my mate." I announce as I enter the kitchen
Milah and him look at me. She squeals and comes running to me. "That's great news Jes, I'm so happy for you! Who is she, do we know her?" She's speaking so fast. Dimitri laughs and pulls her off me. "Babe let him speak" he nods at me to continue.
"She's ugh from the Flint pack, it's Nina."
Dom and Milah stiffen. I expected this reaction. Dom pats my shoulder and laughs out loud. I mean really laughs hard. I get instantly annoyed by his reaction. It's not the one I was expecting, I mean I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this.
"Stop fucking laughing" I growl
Dom controls himself unfazed by me, anyone else would be on the ground but I'm his Beta. The only one who is allowed to speak to him that way and live to see another day. But even I don't push it. I take a deep breath and continue.
"I saw her for the first time when I took Luna to the hospital to see her. She's very sick and Luna didn't want to be alone with Coby so she had asked me to come with her. Anyway, she's dying. The doctors can't figure out what's wrong but I know I can help her. I need to be by her side so I need you to come with me when I tell Coby she's my mate."
"Shit Jes, this isn't good timing but with him I guess it never will be. Okay, let me get dressed and we'll head out. Babe, you..."
"Don't even think about leaving me, I'm coming too" Milah says and rushes to her room to get changed. Dom shakes his head and looks back at me. "I guess we'll both be coming."

We are standing outside Nina's hospital room. I can't believe how nervous and excited I am. I'm scared too. "You ready?" Dom asks me and I nod and I push open the door after knocking softly. Coby is sleeping on a chair and Nina is watching TV.
"Hi, to what do I owe this honor." Nina says softly glancing at Coby to make sure he's still asleep. I see her trying to comb her hair with her fingers and smile at how cute she is. I don't even notice but I'm standing next to her now.
"Hi Nina, how are you feeling?"
"Like I'm dying" is her honest reply and I mentally slap myself.
"I'm sorry, I'm not good at this. Can I sit?" I gesture at her bedside next to her.
She smiles and again glances at her brother then nods her head yes.
My arm hairs are raised and my wolf is purring in pleasure at our proximity. Dom and Milah are silent but they don't leave, I'm sure it's in case Coby wakes up. I boldly reach for her hand and know immediately she's my mate. Nina's reaction to my touch proves it. She sucks in a breath and her mouth drops open. She instinctively squeezes my hand.
"You're my.. my mate" she says more to herself than to me. She sits up and immediately wraps her arms around me. I don't hesitate to do the same. I release the breath I was holding.
"I can't believe it, I was beginning to lose all Hope." She says
"I'm hear now Nina, I'll do everything I can to save you." And I mean it. She sits back and holds my face with both her small fragile hands and looks at me so lovingly. Wow, I'm so lucky.
"Thank you" a tear rolls down her cheek and I catch it. I lean in and gently kiss her cheek.
I hear rustling behind me and notice Coby is awake and I can tell he just witnessed what just happened. I'm surprised he isn't ripping me off Nina. He looks at Nina and she's looking at him too now with pleading eyes silently asking him to accept me.
Coby stands and Milah and Dom walk over not sure what his next move will be. I stay beside Nina unafraid.
"Nina, do you accept him as your mate?" Coby asks not looking at me once.
"Yes, I do." She says
"Alright, I'll start the preparations."
"Thank you" we all say at once. He walks out without another word.
"Well that went better than expected" Dom says and we all laugh.

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