4. Alex

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"Luna, this is Alex." He's part of our pack.
"Hi Luna, it's nice to meet you." He smiles a beautiful smile.
"Can you read my mind too?"
Alex laughs out loud "No, only your mate can"
He leans in and whispers "but I don't need to read your mind to know what you were thinking and for both our sakes don't think that way."
I look away with my face on fire.
I look at Nina, why did you want me to meet him?
"I am going to help you awaken Luna" he answers instead
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then you will still be inducted into the pack and any werewolf who is not mated will have free reign if you reject your mate."
"Is he lying?"
"Are you mated?" I ask him
"No, I am not of age yet"
"Oh" is all I can say in response
"How will you help me?"
"It's like a hypnosis, we can try after you eat."
I walk away without another word and head for the food.
I stuffed my face because I hadn't eaten in two days. I feel so bloated and full when I'm done.
My mind is spinning from the new information I just learned. I feel like my head is going to explode. I can't believe I'm being forced to marry a jerk I don't know and now on top of that every guy can have me if I don't. I feel a migraine coming on.
As I'm finishing up my second plate of food I spot Coby walk in. Oh great
"You know you could try to control your thoughts."
"Why should I, you kidnapped me remember"
"Look, can we start over?"
" No" I dead pan
Coby rubs his face, I enjoy annoying him
He chuckles
He chuckles again
"Stop it!" I yell and everyone turns to look at me like I'm a crazy woman. I sigh and get up to throw my trash away.
"Come with me Luna, I want to show you something." Coby says
"Do I have to?"
"Are you going to rape me?"
He turns to look at me fuming and the whole room gets quiet again
"You know what, never mind." He walks out
"You ready Luna?" Alex says from behind me
"It's not like I have a choice do I"
Alex leads me out the mess hall to what I assume is his cabin.
"No, I'm not going to rape you."
"I didn't ask"
"You asked Coby."
"That's Coby."
"You know he would never take you without consent. Most other wares wouldn't care once mated but he won't. He's a good guy, you just need to give him a chance Luna."
"Let's just get this over with."
"Okay lay down on the couch and close your eyes. Clear your mind and only listen to my voice. "
"This nonsense doesn't really work does it?"
"Nah, I'm just messing with you" Alex laughs and I punch him in the arm which makes him laugh harder.
"Yup, you two are definitely mates."
"Shut up"
"Okay now, seriously, sit up and drink this. It's a potion that will sting going down but then it should feel numb."
I drink it and it burns but like he said, after a few seconds is starts to make my body feel tingly and numb.
"Lay down"
I listen
"Close your eyes Luna."
"What the fuck is going on here!!!" Coby roars from the door.
Both Alex and I jump, Alex holds his hands up in front of him pleading. It's not what it looks like Coby. Nina asked me to awaken her and I gave her the potion.
"Coby walks over to me and throws me over his shoulder. I scream and he storms out the cabin
"Put me down!" I hit him on his back with my fists but it hurts me more than him.
"Coby put me down now!"
He doesn't
We get to his cabin and he flings me on the bed like a rag doll. Before I can catch my breath he's on top of me. He spreads my legs apart and puts his heavy torso in between them.
"Luna I thought I told you that you belong to me, that means you don't go to another ware's fuckin cabin alone!" He booms at my face
I am so scared I just close my eyes and can't help but let a tear escape. I'm shaking now.
I feel him wipe it away after a few heart beats and another tear follows then another.
"Luna stop crying" he says more calmly
I finally break down and just sob uncontrollably.
He shifts us so I'm tucked under his side and pulls me close.
"Luna I'm sorry"
I don't respond I just continue to cry. I feel so helpless and defeated. I feel weak and not in control of my own life and that scares me. All my emotions are pooling out. I miss my dad, I know he must be going through hell right now thinking I'm dead. I cry until no more tears come out.
After a while I manage to stop, he's been running circles on my back and occasionally kissing my forehead which I admit felt good.
"Luna" he whispers
I open my eyes and look in his. For the first time I really take him in. He has specs of yellow in his eyes, they are beautiful. He's beautiful.
He smiles and I try pushing him away
"I think you're beautiful too Luna" he says in a breathy voice and it stirs something in me. I try to move away but he strattles me again. This time he uses his elbows so all his weight is not on me. I push up on his chest and again feel something stir in me.
"Don't fight it Luna" he leans in and whispers in my ear
He looks at me with desire and I know he wants to kiss me
He kisses my neck and then my jaw
He looks at me again and I get this uncontrollable urge to kiss him. My hands move on their own.
I reach up and pull him closer. I don't know why all of sudden I have this strong urge to have him close.
That's all the permission he needed.
He closes the small space between our lips.
He gently kisses me at first then deepens the kiss. He  puts more weight on me and our chests are now touching which causes a moan to escape my lips. He flips me over and grabs my butt while still kissing me. I don't know what's gotten into me but it's almost like I can't stop, like I don't want to stop. My brain isn't syncing with my body.
I start grinding on him and now he moans. He says my name so husky that my body is on fire. 
I sit up and take off my shirt. He stares at me in shock and I giggle a little.
"Luna are you sure?"
I kiss him again and he reaches behind my back and unclips my bra. He removes it swiftly and tosses it to the floor. I'm not so smooth as I fumble with his jeans. He laughs and helps me undo the button while I unzip. He does mine too and we are about to be completely naked when the door swings open.
I scream and drop to the floor and hide behind the bed. I feel like cold water has been splashed on me or I snapped out of a spell. What the hell did Alex give me?
"Get dressed and meet us in the board room"
"Yes mother"
Holy shit! That is his mom!
"Luna you can stop hiding now, she's gone."
I'm so mortified!
What the hell just came over me? If she hadn't walked in, what the hell is wrong with me, he's my kidnapper?!?

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