32. The Council

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Nina's POV
All the festivities were cut short when Alina announced that the Council was coming. They got wind that Coby was breaking the rules and were on their way to investigate. It's good that he's back to his normal self since him and Luna bonded but now we need to face the Council. I hope everyone remembers our story. We all came up with a lie that Coby had been too busy tending to me that he let his Beta Jake run the pack and that is why the rumors spread but now that I'm fully recovered he is back in charge. The timing matches up too so we hope it's believable.
I arranged a welcome dinner for their arrival. I figured we could butter them up with food and drinks the night before the Council hearing. Luckily only three of the six council members came. That's a good thing, it means they didn't put much weight into the allegation. The bad thing is they sent Mark, Selene, and Bri better known as the hard asses of the bunch. I assigned Liam and Jake to cater to each girl and they waited on them all night. I assigned Sammy to do the same for Mark. I apologized to them in advance but we needed intel. They all knew their jobs were to find out which pack reported Coby and if the Council believed it. By the end of the night we knew it was the Ridgewood pack who reported Coby. Their pack was 2nd closest to us and one of their territory lines touched ours. It made me wonder if Coby had also crossed over into their territory in his wolf form. I didn't ponder too much on this though, it doesn't matter now.
All goes as planned the next morning. Everyone executed their lines perfectly in their interviews and by noon the hearing was wrapped up. The Council said they would report their findings and we should hear back in about a week. Everyone knows this means they believed us! After they leave we all cheer, that could have been really bad.

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