27. Last Request

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Nina's POV
Please, please let me last until Luna gets here. She needs to know. I say a silent prayer before coughing up some more blood. The doctors still don't know what's wrong with me, they only know I'm dying. It all started when Tyler, the one I thought was meant for me, bonded with my best friend Natasha. That nearly broke me, actually I think it did. What's worse is I am past the age of ascension and I still haven't found my mate. Maybe he could save me if I knew who or where he was. Now it's too late. I asked Coby to get Luna, no I demanded and he finally agreed. I can't believe he was being stubborn with me even in my condition but he's still hurting from Luna's rejection. He's no longer the carefree fun Coby we all knew. Now he's a cold stone faced robot, emotionless and mechanical. All he does is work and train and patrol our territory. He hardly even comes to see me anymore. I think it hurts him to see what I've become. I am now 80 pounds and can barely walk on my own. I'm weak.
I hear the door creek and my eyes shoot open to see if it's Luna. A few seconds later she walks in. She immediately runs to my side and starts crying. She's hugging me and her head is buried in my chest. I'm patting her gently and I silently smile because her presence is so comforting. "Nina what happened to you?"
"I wish I knew, the doctors have been running all kinds of tests but they haven't pinned down what's wrong. I'm out of time now Luna. I asked Coby to bring you because there are some things I need to tell you." I look over at Coby and he's looking at me like he wants to murder me. His eyes are warning me not to say anything but I of course will ignore him.
"Coby can we have some privacy?" I ask
"No" he says automatically
"Coby get out now"
"No" he shouts at me louder crossing his arms over his chest.
Luna sees the hurt in my eyes before I can mask it. She walks over to him and slaps him hard across his face. My mouth gapes open and I'm so shocked. No woman has ever done that to Coby, heck I don't think any man has ever had the guts to hit him in the face either.
"What the hell is the matter with you?!" Luna shouts in his face, she's fuming. I can practically see the heat radiating off her.
Coby flexes his jaw and suddenly grabs Luna roughly at both wrists and pulls her harshly against him. He lowers himself so he's at her ear. "Don't you ever put your hands on me again or trust me you will regret it". His voice is so evil I don't recognize my own brother anymore. He lets her go forcefully and she stumbles a little, then he turns and walks out slamming the door shut behind him.
Luna looks stunned and then looks back at me and gives me a small smile but I can tell she's just as shaken as I am.
"Luna, I'm dying. I don't have much time left I can feel it. I need you to know that Coby has been staying in his wolf form for as long as our laws allow but lately he's been stretching it. He will bring the Council down on him if he gets caught. I think he wants to get caught. He's not the same Coby anymore.
"I can tell" Luna whispers
"He's losing his humanity and it scares everyone. He's our Alpha for now at least. I know when I die it will push him over the edge Luna. He's lost his Luna, he's about to loose me, and in a few months he will loose his status and pack. Under normal circumstances I would never ask this but would you consider coming back for our packs sake? I know what I'm asking you to sacrifice but I'm afraid of what will happen if you don't. He won't listen to anyone any more and the Council is starting to take notice. My mom hid it as long as she could but he's becoming more and more unstable. Please Luna, think about it. Consider this my dying wish."
Luna stays quiet for a long while and I can tell she's at war with herself. The door opens and I expect to see Coby but the handsome guy at the door isn't my brother.
"Hello" he says and gives me a small wave.
"Oh hey Jesse, this is Nina. My hmm my sister." I smile at her calling me her sister.
"Hi" I say in return.
He walks over closer "it's nice to meet you Nina, Luna's told me so much about you I feel like I already know you". He laughs a nervous laugh and puts his hand behind his head. His arm flexes and I can't help but notice his muscles.
"Jesse is from the Stanton pack Nina, he's Dimitri's Beta. I've been staying there every since my attack. He's like my best friend." Luna interjects. This earns her a bright smile from him.
"It's nice to meet you Jesse" I say sincerely. He closes the distance and reaches over and extends his hand to me. I'm about to shake it when I see Coby walk in. He's carrying a tray of food.
"Jesse you need to leave, my sister needs to eat"
Jesse looks at Coby and I swear I saw him roll his eyes so I can't help but laugh. This pisses Coby off.
"Calm down Coby" I say irritated
"It's okay, I'll go. Take care Nina" Jesse says and walks out.
Luna has been quiet, she's standing in the corner furthest away from Coby and I wonder what she's doing way over there.
"I'll go too Nina, the drive was long and I'm exhausted. I'll think about what we talked about I promise. I'll come see you tomorrow."
I smile at her grateful that she didn't out right reject my request. "Thank you Luna, it means so much to me."
Luna turns to walk out and Coby reaches for her arm. She's too quick though and walks around him.
"What did you expect after how you spoke to her earlier." I say to my brother
"She slapped me!" He defends
I shake my head "I don't have the energy to argue with you." I say as I dig into my dinner.
Coby silently watched me eat and when I'm done he gets up and takes my tray.
"Coby I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now. Would you mind closing the blinds?"
Coby does as I ask and kisses my forehead. That is the most contact he's had with me in months. Wow, she's only been back a few hours and already the barrier he built is cracking. That's exactly what I hoped for. I lay back down and close my eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow Nina"
I nod my head and close my eyes again.
"Please let me make it through the night" I whisper

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