30. The bonding ritual

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Coby's POV
We've been making love and the urge to make her mine forever is so strong but I would never do that without her consent.
"Luna, I want you with me. Come back to me baby please" I can't believe I'm begging her when I said I would never again but I can't help the hold she has over me. She stiffens. I pull out of her and look at her face.
"So what are we doing then Luna? Is this you using me taking what you need from me and then you plan to leave me again?"
"I don't know what this is Coby. I didn't come here to use you, I'm just confused. When you didn't come when I needed you most I promised myself that I would never forgive you. That I would hate you forever but then I see you again for the first time in months and I can't help but want you. I admit I missed you but I don't know that I'm ready to have you imprint on me."
I sigh and get off her and start to get dressed. She sits up and looks at me. "What are you doing, where are you going?"
"Luna, I don't know what you expect me to say to that. Don't you think you should have stopped me if you are confused" I use air quotes. She starts to get dressed too.
"Are you serous right now" she asks
"Yes, God how could I get stuck with you of all people. Literally everyone else finds their mate and it's the happiest moment of their lives. They accept one another and I have to witness their joy while I'm mateless. First it was Milah and Dom, then Tasha and Tyler, and now Nina and fucking Jesse!" I'm shouting now. "Yet I get a confused half breed who is hot then cold and can't fucking make up her mind even after almost a year! Do you realize that in one month my birthright and dreams will be crushed. I won't be Alpha and my family will have to give up our legacy. All because I gave you a choice. God I'm such a fucking idiot. For the first time I start to cry. I reach up and touch my cheek because I haven't cried since I was 8 when my dad died. I give Luna one last look. "You know what Luna, I'm done begging you. I have to go make arrangements for Nina's ceremony. Do what you want, you always do, just stay the hell away from me. Oh and for the record, this is my spot so don't come here again." I run down the path needing to get away. After a few minutes I stop and roar as loud as I can. She infuriates me! I look back at the path. Fuck! I turn around and start running in the direction I came from. She's sitting on the rock with her knees up hugging them to her chest with her head down. I approach slowly.
"Luna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I swear."
"Yes you did and everything you said is true. I'm the one who's sorry." She looks at me with so much raw pain in hers eyes. "I'm sorry you got stuck with me too. I'm sorry that I'm not a full werewolf. I'm sorry I didn't grow up knowing I was even part ware until I met you. I'm sorry that it's been hard for me to adjust or maybe I never did. I'm sorry you're losing your pack and legacy. I've made up my mind Coby. I want to stay with you even if it means losing myself and giving up on my dreams." She sounds defeated and broken. I'm such an ass. She gets up and starts walking towards the path."Luna wait"
She doesn't turn around "Please Coby, I can't take anymore tonight." She starts walking again and I let her go. I walk a few feet away from her the entire time until we reach the pack house. She goes straight to her room that I had arranged for her and I go to mine.
I sit on my bed and think back to when we were making love and the look of pure bliss on her face as the moonlight shone down on her. I decide I will shower and then go see her. I can't leave things like they are. I need to make it right. I don't want to force her into anything. I quickly shower and head to her room. I knock and no one answers, the door is unlocked so I enter. I hear the shower running, so I gently knock on the door. "Luna, can I come in"
No answer
"Luna, please baby. I'm sorry for what I said. Please"
I hear the water shut off and the door opens a few minutes later. Luna is wrapped in a towel. She closes the distance between us and wraps her arms around me. I'm sorry too. I know I've put you through hell this past year. I don't know how you don't hate me, I would hate me."
I hold her tight and lay my chin on the top of her head taking a deep breathe. I lift her up and take her to the bed. I gently lay her down. I turn off the lights and undress. I pull the covers up and slide in next to her. I remove the towel and hug her to me. She wraps herself around me and I'm so relieved.
"I could never hate you Luna, I love you."
She looks up at me and shocks me to the core with her next words.
"I love you too Coby. I've been fighting you from the start and for what. I've only been hurting myself trying to deny what has always been there. I've loved you since I first saw you, I was just too scared to admit it. Too stubborn to give up my old life. None of that matters anymore. I know that now. Seeing Nina almost die was a wake up call for me. I took your love for granted and I'm sorry. Coby, I accept you as my mate".
I reach down and sink my canines into her neck imprinting on her and making her mine. She said the words I've been longing to hear and that was all the permission I needed. She places her hands on the back of my head as I leave my mark on her. It feels amazing. "Thank you so much for accepting me as your mate baby" I say to her. I make love to her again and we fall asleep completely sated.

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