2. Coby

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Luna's POV
I wake up in some sort of cabin, I've been placed on a bed. My head is pounding and my body is sore and bruised. I try to sit up but I can't, it hurts too much so I whimper and fall back on the bed. I turn my head slightly to look around. The cabin is almost bare with hardly no furniture and no one appears to be here. I glance around to see if there is a way out but see the front door is wide open. I try harder to get up but it's like my body is numb. What the hell is going on.
I hear footsteps approaching from outside and my heart starts to speed up. Do I act like I'm still out? I quickly close my eyes and try my best to control my breathing.
"Don't bother, I know you're awake".
I open my eyes and look at my abductor.
"What do you want with me? Please just let me go."
My voice is hoarse and I can hear the fright in it. I'm shaking uncontrollably now.
"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you".
He sits down next to me and examines my face.
"You should heal fine in a few days."
My entire body suddenly feels alive, like I've been plugged into an outlet. My heart rate accelerates and my breathing becomes harder. I shift myself up on the bed uncomfortable with the way his closeness is affecting me.
"Why did you kidnap me? Who are you? Let me go!" I try a more aggressive approach because let's face it what have I got to lose.
"I'm Coby and I've been searching for you for a long time Luna."
"How do you know my name and WHO ARE YOU?!"
I practically spit in his face.
I notice his features, he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen and my body is reacting to him. I start to sweat and lick my bottom lip. I want to slap myself mentally. He's lean and muscular, no wonder he was able to keep up but why is he not hurt too?
"Hello Luna"
I turn to see a beautiful girl that looks around my age at the door way. She has sun tanned skin and light brown hair that matches her light brown eyes. She's tall and tone and I wonder who the heck she is.
"My name is Nina, I'm Coby's younger sister. I'm so sorry for the way he brought you here, believe me there will be consequences. Coby huffs, gets up and walks out mumbling under his breath. Nina ignores him and takes his place next to me.
"I brought you some herbal tea, drink it. It will help with your body aches"
"Why have you taken me and how do you know my name?"
"We've been watching you for a while now waiting for the right opportunity to speak with you.  We knew you wouldn't come on your own so Coby was sent to retrieve you"
"Who's we?"
"My pack"
"What pack? Are you a Cult or something?"
"No, we are not. We are something else. You will find out soon enough. For now, sleep and everything will be explained when you are feeling better. "
She puts the rim of the cup to my lips and I take a sip. The hot drink soothes my throat so I take another drink.
"Can I at least call my dad? He will worry about me."
"I'm sorry Luna but you will never see your father again. The life you knew before is gone. He thinks you died in the car accident."
I scream "NO!!!" I try to get up and push Nina out the way but I'm still too weak.
"Please trust me Luna, I know it's hard to take everything in but you will know the answers you seek soon enough."
Nina seems way more mature than her age, she gets up and places the mug on the nightstand and looks back at me as she leaves the cabin and says "sleep well sister. "
Sister? I think I heard her wrong
I've been laying here for hours and no one has come in to check on me. I'm about to try to get up again when Coby comes back.
"Hi, how are you feeling?"
He's wearing different clothes now. A tight fitted V-neck charcoal grey shirt with dark jeans and boots. He has his arms folded across his chest which makes his muscles flex. He shifts his weight to his other side when I don't respond and I see him getting irritated. He didn't answer any of my questions so why should I answer any of his. 
"That's childish don't you think?"
"What the heck, can you hear my thoughts?"
"I'm your... your mate, or what you humans call a sole mate"
I laugh out loud, you're joking right. Are you all in some kind of cult who live in the woods and worship animals and do voodoo or something?"
"We're werewolves."
I laugh even harder this time.
"Aw Sure, and I'm Mother Theresa." I say giggling
Coby growls and reaches me in two giant steps.
He grabs me by my arms and lifts my upper body up so his face is two inches from mine. I can smell his musty scent.
"Do I look like I'm kidding to you Luna?" He says in a low slow growl
"Let me go!" I shout out loud
"That's enough Coby" I hear Nina say from behind him. I can't see her because he's towering over me. Coby drops me and I land hard onto the bed. I wince in pain as my back hits the bed.
"She's impossible Nina"
"Are you sure it's all her Coby?"
He shakes his head in frustration and leaves without looking back.
"Try to get some sleep this time Luna, you need to build your strength up again."
She walks out and offers me a small smile before she goes.
My eyes are heavy with sleep so I give in and close them. I'm immediately lost to sleep.

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