26. The Stanton House

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Luna's POV
I've been staying with Milah for 6 weeks now. I had called my dad the next day and explained everything to him. He agreed I should stay with Milah and her pack to be safe. It's so weird to me that of all people and places I'm here. I'm so grateful for the hospitality the pack has shown me and have made lots of friends here. I really misjudged Milah and I now know why she means so much to him. I can't even bring myself to think his name. I still can't believe he didn't come. How cruel is that to hear my cries for help and not come. I will never forgive him.
"Hey beautiful" I hear Jesse say. He's Dimitri's Beta and my closest friend here.
"You ready?"
"Yeah, just let me grab my sandals." Jesse promised to take me to this cool lake and I'm excited to go. I haven't had fun in forever. After the incident I was so paranoid all the time and didn't like to leave my home but Jesse helped me slowly get back to somewhat normal. I feel safe when he's around. He promised to show me how to swim. It doesn't take us long to get there and just like Jesse said it's absolutely breath taking. Jesse immediately takes his t-shirt off and jumps in canon ball style. I laugh and take my top and shorts off too. I tip toe in the water. "Hello can't swim remember" I point to myself
Jesse laughs and swims over to me.
"Okay come here" I go to him and the water is chest deep and for the next hour he tries to teach me how to swim. The sun is setting and the sky is beautiful. I think I'm getting the hang of it. When I panic and swallow a little water. I start splashing around like a fish and Jesse reaches for me. He grabs me and lifts me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He's much taller than me so I hold on for dear life still trying to catch my breath. "Are you okay?" He asks holding on to my butt. I nod in response.
"Let her fucking go now!!" It's Coby, he's here.
I look over and Coby is fuming. I look back to Jesse and he has this amused look on his face. I look at him like are you insane. I try to unwrap my legs as he starts walking to the edge but he holds me in place and winks at me. I hear splashing and then Coby is ripping me out of his grip. I yell because it hurts. "Stop it Coby, you're hurting me!"
He immediately lets go. Jesse is unfazed and continues to walk me to land. He is walking so slow I give him and irritated look. We finally get there and I jump off him. I'm wearing a royal blue bikini and cross my arms over my chest shivering. Jesse grabs a towel and wraps it around me.
"Luna we need to talk."
"I don't have anything to say to you Coby. Leave."
Jesse starts packing up our stuff.
"Jesse leave us, I won't say it again." Coby threatens
"Did you forget you are in my territory? You don't get to make demands here." Jesse says calmly
"I have permission to be here from your Alpha and if you know what's best for you." Coby is interrupted
"Jesse you are needed back at the Stanton House. Come with me now." Milah says. She turns and walks away without looking to see if Jesse is following. She knows he will, that's his Luna after all.
Coby smirks at him as he passes by and I want to go slap him in the face. I do the next best thing. As Jesse is passing me I reach up and throw my arms around him. "Thanks for teaching me how to swim, I had so much fun." I say and wink at him. He's smiling from ear to ear and I can't help but to smile back. Jesse holds me a few more seconds and leans in to whisper "you're amazing". He lets go and walks away.
I don't turn to look at him and instead start to dry myself off and quickly pull my shirt and shorts on.
"Why cover up, you didn't seem to mind him looking and feeling all over you."
I don't respond and start packing up my clothes to leave.
"Luna look at me or I will"
"You will what? You don't have the right to make any demands!" I shout at him. I hate that he thinks he can come here after all this time and demand that I give him the time of day I don't think so. I start walking to the trail that led me here.
"Luna wait" Coby reaches me and steps in front of me so he's blocking the path.
"Hear me out first."
" Luna stop being stubborn. Do you really think I would have come after I swore I wouldn't if it wasn't important?"
"Fuck you! You didn't come when I begged you to save me from being raped or worse. Why should I give a shit what you have to say now? MOVE!" I shout louder this time. He lets me pass.
"I'm sorry, I should have come. I will regret not coming for the rest of my life. I'm here because of Nina. She's dying. She asked for you."
I stop walking and I think my heart stopped too. I turn to look at him and take in his appearance. He looks worn out.
"What's wrong with her?"
"I'll tell you everything on the way I don't think she has much time left."
I'm in shock.
"Okay, I'll go with you for Nina."

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