Amortentia and the Gryffindor Party

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Ever since the letters arrived, Y/n's life felt different, and going on as if everything hadn't changed in a stroke of her mothers' quill was difficult.

Of course, she and Draco had nearly every class together, and he was acting so differently when she was around. He wasn't her best friend, but he also wasn't insulting her or purposely making her trip in the halls. Of course, the two of them didn't know how to act around one another, resulting in plenty of awkward interactions. It was only September, Winter Holiday wasn't for months, and summer was much further, but the idea of it was looming.

"Alright, class, please find your new seats," Slughorn announced as the sixth years piled into his class.

Professor Slughorn had a knack for playing matchmaker for his student before he retired, and he certainly didn't plan on giving up his habit now that he was back. So, of course, when he noticed Draco's feelings for Y/n, he got to it.

"Bloody hell," Y/n muttered underneath your breath when you realized who your partner would be for the foreseeable future. "Morning, Malfoy," she said when she sat down. Neither of them wanted anyone knowing, so they had agreed to keep up appearances for the time being.

"Good morning, Blackwood," he said, not bothering to look at her.

It still stung a bit, she admitted. Around her second year, she'd had a bit of a crush on the platinum-haired boy, and she hoped that maybe he would start treating you like a human being. But, it was clear you were overestimating the Slytherin Prince's capacity for kindness. Despite that, something sparked in the pit of her stomach every time she spoke, but you just chalked it up to nerves and fear.

 But it all changed until Cedric Diggory showed up, asking Y/n to the Yule Ball, she felt different whenever she was with him, she felt loved, cared and wanted.He knew about the abuse at her home and he loved her dearly. They both knew there was a chance of them ending up together, cause Cedric was a pure-blood. It was all jolly and lovely until the third task, when Cedric was killed. Her friends help her come out of it and here she was.

On the other hand, Draco had fancied her since their first year, a feeling that had only grown since then. But, he couldn't let her know that, not now, not with everything going on. He could put her in harm's way. If something happened to her, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Draco would just have to push those feelings down till he carried out the Dark Lords plan, and until this was all over. Love was a weakness, and he wouldn't allow feelings for her to interfere with his duty to the Dark Lord.

But, Professor Slughorn interrupted her thoughts.

"Today, we shall be brewing amortenia, the love potion we reviewed last class. As we know, many potions require skill as well as patience, and amortenia is no exception. It will take roughly nine class periods, so settle in and try to be kind to your partners. The recipe is on the board and on page 27 of your books. Begin."

Amortenia, of course, this class really couldn't get any worse. It was as if the universe wanted to remind her that she was destined to a loveless marriage her selfish parents forced her into. Eventually, the hour-long period ended, Y/N and Malfoy getting along decently enough to start their potion off on the right foot.

The second Slughorn dismissed the class, she found her friends, and all of them hurried out to the Quidditch Pitch for try-outs where Y/N and Hermione happily resigned themselves to watching since neither of them are much of quidditch players. She watched Hermione nervously observing Ron and McLaggen, and  Y/N eyed her as she quietly sent a confundus charm McLaggen's way. Being the good friend, you are you didn't plan on letting her live that down anytime soon. As hard as everything was at the moment, being around the people you love never failed to help you feel a bit more normal.

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