Reunion and 7 Potters

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The next few days were spent by looking around the manor. Draco was always busy in his ' Death Eater' buisness and never talked to you.

After a day or two you got a letter from Hermione saying,

Dear Y/n,

We need you to come back to us to help Harry. We need you. I need you. Harry needs you please.



Just after reading that letter you burst into Draco's study, he was busy writing something on a piece of parchment. He got startled as he heard the door open.

"What the fuck Y/n?! Ever heard of knocking?! he said furiously. You didn't even flinch.

"I am going." You said in monotone.

"Going where?" he asked back, confused.

"To Hermione's." you answered.

"You cant go," he stated coldly.

"I didn't ask. I told you." you seethed at him and walked out of the study, he followed you.

You already had your trunks packed. You walked into you guys' shared room, grabbed some floo powder and your trunks. You stepped into the fireplace.

"Hampstead Suburb 13" you said.

Within a second you vanished, Draco fell on the bed after reading Hermione's letter. Now he knew the reason why you were gone all for that Potter...


The next moment you were in the Granger's fireplace, Hermione eagerly waiting for you. As soon as you saw her you jumped into her open arms. You greeted Mr. and Mrs. Granger and both of you were off to her room. Hermione told you that she was going to erase her parents memories about her.

"Y/n! Hermione! Tea's ready." rang Mrs. Granger's voice.

"Coming Mom!" Hermione called back. You knew it was really going to be hard for her.

As you both went downstairs. You saw her parents chatting. Hermione raised her wand-

"Obliviate" she commanded.

All of her memories from the photo frames disappeared, Hermione was on the verge of crying.

You briefly hugged her. Both of you grabbed your trunks and walked out of the house, off to Privet Drive.


You saw the Weasley twins, Fleur, Bill, Ron, Remus , Tonks, Hagrid and even Kingsley was there. You rushed into Ron's arms, you all exchanged greetings and hugs. Hagrid knocked on Harry's door and Harry immediately answered. He was shocked to see you all.

Ron practically pounced on him to give him a hug.

Next to greet him was Hermione.

Then finally, your turn.

You were greeted with the biggest smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up tightly hugging you.

"I missed you so much." he whispered.

"I did too." you answered back. You looked at how he had changed, he looked more mature now.

"You got a subtle growing, Potter." you told him. Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, he is absolutely gorgeous." said Moody pushing past all of you into the house.

You stepped aside , so that everyone could greet him.

ARRANGED TO BE LOVED  ꩜  draco malfoy.Where stories live. Discover now